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Terminator Game 12079651

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:05 am
by BattleKing X-Ray
Link to Game: Game 12079651

Spoils to turn in: None

Next spoil set value: 4

Do you have a set of spoils? No

Your Plans: After looking at the map, N3-Montreal looks like a good place for a stack, 4 lines of attack, to deal with the western side of the map. A8-Manila, with 4 lines of attack, also looks good to deal with the eastern side of the map. After reading F4M, I understand the wisdom in not fighting for Oceania right now. I plan on building a fortress on E6-Moscow. With 6 lines of attack I'm thinking, I'll have lots of striking opportunities to gain spoils.

Re: Terminator Game 12079651

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:45 am
by dhallmeyer
Your plan looks good, I might build on E7 instead of E6, so you have more space between your stacks and better reach into Africa.

You are welcome to post this game here, but in order to post in your Training Field, games need to be 6 player and unlimited, along with the rest of the settings you have here. Check the How-To Guide for more details on how to join games.

Re: Terminator Game 12079651

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:51 am
by Viceroy63
Also it should be noted that everyone can see your plan and the advice that you get on this particular thread. In order to take full advantage of the Advice and the game plan, you should not post outside of your Training Field. Within your TF only your classmates can see your plans. That's the whole idea. To be able to play a game, get advice, keep it discreet and make it easier on the instructors all at the same time.

If the people that you are playing with visit this thread, then the secret planning portion of your game is gone. Everyone will know and can prepare a defense or a counter move to your plan.