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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:08 pm
by RjBeals
Maybe impassable borders - but I'm really not thrilled about that. I don't think a river is needed - it kinda defeats the purpose of the drought. I experimented with mountain ranges when I was creating Italy, but I couldn't get a style that complimented the feel of the map, and I think the same might be true here. If impassable borders will help gameplay, I'm up for creating something though.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:03 pm
by Inhuman14
It'd be sweet if you could mess with the game server by awarding you negative armies... I wonder what it would do... }:-)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:53 pm
by BaldAdonis
RjBeals wrote:According to the map in the book, at the very least Clayton was located in the dustbowl area. But you are right, only the far right side of the state was effected. If you think I should take out cities in NM, I can - but I was trying to keep the map balanced.

I don't know anything about the geography of the dustbowl, I'm just saying that without a stake in it, New Mexico is not affected like the other regions are, so it's important to have at least one New Mexico territory in the dust bowl.

RjBeals wrote:I'm also not sure what you mean about the northern region bonus

I just meant those two up above Kansas/Colorado. Not sure what they were, so I just said "northern region". Nebraska maybe? I was never good at US geography.

How are the territories connected? If crossing state lines is ok, I'd like to see more impassable borders, otherwise every region has at least 3 territories to defend, and others (Colorado, Kansas) are vulnerable everywhere. If players can only attack through the dustbowl and inside a state, then Cheyenne doesn't go anywhere. Also, if the latter is the case, consider that Texas has 4 to defend, and New Mexico/Oklahoma only 1 each.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:06 pm
by Anarkistsdream
Is that top little section: "Lured by the promise of...." a quote? If so, you have to either cite the source or ask permission, depending on the copyright.

"Drought" is spelled wrong.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:03 pm
by RjBeals
Anarkistsdream wrote:Is that top little section: "Lured by the promise of...." a quote? If so, you have to either cite the source or ask permission, depending on the copyright.

"Drought" is spelled wrong.

Ahh. Good point. Yes it's a quote from so I'll paraphrase into my own quote. And I'll fix spelling. Thanks Anarkist.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:01 am
RjBeals wrote:
I GOT SERVED wrote:Firstly, I like the progress this map is making. But I have one question.

You have one section to the left of Lubbock (Texas) that isn't named. Is this an extension of one territory? Or is it a different territory all together?

Thanks - and that is just a dead territory. Just there to keep the map flowing, however it will not be in play.

That dead territory is going to confuse a lot of people, myself included. Maybe you should merge it with Lubbock.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:22 am
by RjBeals

I GOT SERVER wrote:That dead territory is going to confuse a lot of people, myself included. Maybe you should merge it with Lubbock.

Naa... I think it will be more clear when the armies are on the board. If more people think it's confusing, I'll rework.

1) I'm trying to figure a way to make impassable borders, and this is what I've come up with. I'm going to add land cracks (tying to look like dried desert cracks). My problem is I think I'll have too many cracks all over the board and it will look bad.

Since I've added color to the states, I may tone down the bold state borders to match (or closely match) the grayish territory borders. Then bolder cracks wouldn't look so bad along state lines / impassible areas. Even though i really like the state borders bold like they are now..

2) Since I've added color to the states, the inner "drought" area didn't look good as a shade of red. That gave too much color. Instead I've given red outlined army circles. I think pretty obvious - what about the rest of you?

3) Added some more +/- Bonuses. (I plan to give Texas a +5 Bonus)

4) Rewrote the explanation paragraph into my own words. I'm not the greatest at prose - anyone have suggestions.

5) Do you like my corn / crops graphic? Since I have negative bonuses, I thought it would only be fair to have additional positive bonuses. I tried to place the crops on the outer regions since that’s where there would be more water for growing crops.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:15 pm
RjBeals wrote:
I GOT SERVER wrote:That dead territory is going to confuse a lot of people, myself included. Maybe you should merge it with Lubbock.

Naa... I think it will be more clear when the armies are on the board. If more people think it's confusing, I'll rework.

Fair enough. The background color in the states cleared that up.

1) I'm trying to figure a way to make impassable borders, and this is what I've come up with. I'm going to add land cracks (tying to look like dried desert cracks). My problem is I think I'll have too many cracks all over the board and it will look bad.

I personally really like the cracks. Another one or two would look fine without over doing it.

2) Since I've added color to the states, the inner "drought" area didn't look good as a shade of red. That gave too much color. Instead I've given red outlined army circles. I think pretty obvious - what about the rest of you?

The red circles look fine. Although the outline was nice, I think it looks nicer like this.

3) Added some more +/- Bonuses. (I plan to give Texas a +5 Bonus)

I'd suggest giving Texas a +6 bonus. That seems better, namely because all of the border territories. I'd also suggest giving Oklahoma a larger bonus as well, also because of the border territories.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:29 pm
by spiesr
The not territory should be the yellow color...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:40 pm
by sfhbballnut
I think something might need to be done about the overall look, I know the idea is to make it follow the theme, but it has a sleep, kinda depressed look of the dustbowl right now, and thtat doesn't come across to well,like the idea though, keep at it

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:08 pm
by RjBeals
sfhbballnut wrote:...but it has a sleep, kinda depressed look of the dustbowl right now, and thtat doesn't come across to well,like the idea though, keep at it

Thanks for the input, but that's the look I was going for. The period was during the great "American" depression in the 1930's. I don't want bold colors. I want dull colors. In fact I didn't really want colors at all, but I had to compromise. What do you mean it doesn't come across to well - like at first glance it looks bla and boring?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:09 pm
by RjBeals
spiesr wrote:The not territory should be the yellow color...
But then it would screw with the the shape of the actual state. People from texas wouldn't like that.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:43 pm
by Anarkistsdream
I hate to say it, but I think the cracks look like tree roots...

Cracks in the ground look more like this:


PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:48 pm
by RjBeals
agree... I'll work on the cracks.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:42 pm
by d.gishman
I kinda liked how the central drought region was all one colour... it's just easier graphically to visualize that area quickly

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:58 pm
by Optimus Prime
I agree. The red circles work, but the previous way of designating the drought area worked better for me.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:17 am
by reverend_kyle
Optimus Prime wrote:I agree. The red circles work, but the previous way of designating the drought area worked better for me.

I liked the overall boring look of the map before, reminds me of in 4th grade when we read a story about the okies, during the depression.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:50 am
by RjBeals
You know, I liked it better also like that. The pastel colors don't fit into the dust theme. I'll switch back and keep working on how to limit borders. Thanks for the feedback.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:09 am
by militant
RjBeals wrote:2) Since I've added color to the states, the inner "drought" area didn't look good as a shade of red. That gave too much color. Instead I've given red outlined army circles. I think pretty obvious - what about the rest of you?

i thnk you should put some red on the borders of the central drought region and also include the red army circles. i probably have not explained it well, if you dont understand i will explain it again :)

map dustbowl

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:57 am
by loki77
needs more than 5 areas

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:54 am
by dustn64
This could be my favorite map. (It has my town on it)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:36 pm
by RjBeals

Here's Revise #3 which really goes back to Rev #1. I didn't like the pastel colors on the prev map. I also took out the crop bonus. I don't want that. I adjusted borders on this version also to make it smoother. However, I am still experimenting with impassable borders.. I started adding a red border to indicate impassible, but am not sure. I didn't want to continue if it doesn't get a good response.

Or... I still kind of like the idea of states only being able to attack other states by means of the central drought area. I would have to work on Oklahoma & Texas.

Thought I would throw this up - seeing as how it's fairly simple and there's been a lot of heat towards complex maps recently :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:32 pm
by wcaclimbing

I liked the pastel colors.

If you are sticking with a dust-color theme, at least try and get some variety between different continent colors.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:46 pm
by tenio
i liked the dirt cracks better

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:56 pm
by RjBeals
tenio wrote:i liked the dirt cracks better
Somebody pointed out they look like tree roots - and I thought it was too bold to be in the map. My whole focus was on those cracks. Plus I would need more of them to balance the map and it would have looked bad.

However, I'm just testing the waters with the red borders also. It may take a while, but we'll figure something out.

Thanks -