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Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:54 am
by rousseau72
Concise description:
Limit the loss to a single game to 30 points. (maybe 25 points?)
Players still gain points as currently
Yes, that means that scores will very slightly go up with the introduction of this system.

In a game like chess, there is literally zero chance that a beginner will beat a grandmaster.
In CC, we all have been in situations where pure luck gets the best of a situation and it has nothing to do with how well the player played
CC has a similar scoring system to chess but we do not take into account this luck factor and thus we unfairly punish a high ranking player to losing a game to a lower ranked player.
Also, there is a weird situation where higher rated players will not want to play lower rated players for the fear of dropping points.
In recognition for the luck factor, the winner should still gain a bunch of points.
However, limiting the loss means that higher rated players will be penalized less for playing in CC wide tournaments etc.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- take the sting out of random losses
- encourage more participation from higher rated players in game play- especially with lower rated players

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:22 pm
by iAmCaffeine
I'd support this. I just lost 40pts in a poly (4) game to some corporal that cashed 3 x 3 card rainbows in a row.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:08 pm
by Symmetry
It's not chess.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:31 pm
by rousseau72
Yes, you are correct that it isn't chess. However, the rating system we use is similar to chess. That's why we need to make modifications to it and allow for luck not to cripple higher rated players.
Symmetry wrote:It's not chess.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:58 pm
by riskllama
or, just change the ratings system - it kind of sucks, anyways.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 2:28 pm
by t4mcr53s2
disadvantage ; those high rankers with time on their hands who want to dominate the leader board will join every novice game they can as you have changed the win percentage they need to improve their score from lets say 90% wins to 67 % wins ; meaning more new membrers will be trouched by old pros; not good for member ship increase; sad but true

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:31 pm
by chapcrap
I’m not sure how I feel.

Inflating the scores means nothing to me. Don’t really care. People come in new with 1000, that inflates things. People leave with 2000, that deflates things. So, any argument that is against based on score inflation isn’t valid, IMO.

So, my thoughts go to how it could affect gameplay/participation. What t4 says isn’t necessarily wrong. Everyone has their own way that they like to play the game. So, it’s difficult to predict what would happen. In most other games that I have played, there are separations made for scores anyway. Look at Clash of Clans or Yahoo Spades or most other online games. There ends up being some kind of class separation. That can’t really happen here because of the community aspect of what is going on. Tournaments, clans, events, the attempts to “nurture” (possibly farm) new players.

I guess I’d say to leave it as is. Or don’t. The other much larger site issues need addressed to make a difference.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:24 pm
by rockfist
I think it’s difficult to be in a clan and prioritize score. I don’t. Most people in clans don’t, I think most have my attitude, they’d rather have a higher score than lower but it’s not much of a big deal.

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:53 pm
by .SCuD.
It's just not a good idea...

If playing to have a high score, I would probably try and focus on people with a low score already, as whilst it's heavily penalised... they do such a good job of losing, that I actually have a larger +ev on points from playing bad players, than I do against good players.

Hence, all this would do is make that advantage even greater.

As rockfist says though, most people don't care that much about score anyway :)

Re: Make Scoring a bit less subject to luck

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:42 am
by betiko
I could support this in the sense that at some point, if you have a high score it’s ridiculous to play some very luck based games against low rankers. I ve always loved to play some speed games, and the popular ones ready to be joined are often terrible for skills. So you easily lose tons of points even with a very decent 70% win rate just because you get point raped each time you lose.
I just think there should be some no points games, because some times it’s fun to play dumb luck games against mediocre opponents.