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Make trucing a game option.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:33 am
by phantomegg
Hello, I would like to suggest a game option please. Could trucing be an option?
Like fog, assassin etc etc. I dip in and out of conquer club and play when I have the time. However it seems that this occasion most games I've played have descended into the exceptionally dull version of truce... Why join a singles game only to side up with an opponent thus becoming a double in all but name and having an unfair advantage against the other players? Risk everything on a dice roll, use tactics guile luck and chance... No no no make a truce and start accumulating troops like fat cats with penny's..... Great.
It's dull, boring, lack lustre and doesn't live up to the name of Risk. I appreciate some bean counters think it's a good tactic and has its place, I say no it's rubbish!! One of the truce I'm having the misfortune to be trudging in at the moment everyone has a truce with each other!!! It's like a warm fuzzy sewing circle of fluffy unicorns. Please could you make it an option. I really enjoy playing risk but not truce. Have a think about it have a vote or even play some truce and bathe in its damp tepid mediocrity its like unextreme accountancy in the dark.. Many thanks phantomegg.......................................

Re: Make trucing a game option.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:40 am
by Jdsizzleslice
Moved from Third-Party Tools & Enhancements to Suggestions.

Re: Make trucing a game option.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:08 am
by mrswdk
Someone get betiko in here, he hates truces as well.

Re: Make trucing a game option.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:58 pm
by iAmCaffeine
World 2.1 flat rate, you gonna find people who make truces. I think it happens more now than it used to because people in general have a weaker mental.

Re: Make trucing a game option.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:19 pm
by Shannon Apple
To be honest, the "option" that I chose when playing single player games, especially when I went through a phase of playing 8 player escalating was to foe one of the two people that were systematically teaming up in those types of games. It works. If both of them can't join, then you have less reason to worry about truces. You should definitely do the same if there are specific people doing this on a constant basis on the settings that you like to play.

I do not like truces, I don't truce. One of my regular team mates actually liked this kind of diplo, but I didn't. It kinda goes against what I feel is fair play, but meh. If other people want to play like that, I don't judge, I just don't want to be in a game with them.

To make it an option, you would literally have to make written truces illegal and I'm not sure it's something they'd introduce. If they did, it would have to be done in a way that is fair to everyone. I can't see it happening, but if it did, I see it working something like this:

Add a truce button to the game. Make it so that both players have to press it to activate the truce and they literally can't attack one another. Truce only lasts for two rounds and after that, they can attack each other again. Once a pair of players truce, they cannot truce again making it so that no two people can team up for the entirety of the game.

I think the problem with trucing is not necessarily that people make agreements, it's that people tend to keep those agreements going until one of them breaks it, despite initially setting a 2 round truce... it often goes on forever. I've seen this happen time and time again.