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Postby PureStink on Mon Aug 22, 2022 3:02 pm

Hello my stinky friends!

It is with great pleasure that I bring you the 100th PureStink-endorsed Conquer Club post. We've had some good times over the last 99 posts (thanks TeeGee for facilitating the most smelly BBQ I have ever experienced last weekend), and I'm sure there will be many more to come. As I always tell the ladies, there's plenty of stink to go around =D>

So what have I learned over the last 99 posts? Well, the Conquer Club user base appears to be dwindling by the day. When approached outside of the International House Of Stink, BigWham was unavailable for comment.

Fortunately, there is a core group of people who enjoy repetitively playing oddly specific combinations of settings on Das Schloss. I imagine it's a bit like when you find the perfect porno (three women, one of whom looks like Saxi's mom, and one hairy guy with an odour problem) and you keep going back to it, jacking every last ounce of dopamine out of it to suppress the fear of your own rolls (dice or otherwise). Honestly, those potential new users don't know what they're missing.

I would like to thank the following individuals, without whom I would not be stinking here today:
  • Owen's Hooter for his unwavering commitment to the general congratulations thread
  • 2dimes for frequenting this board for over 16 years
  • Nut Shot Scott for typing that extra T every time
  • JP4F for playing for actually playing for fun (I assume)
  • Saxitoxin for making the toxic sexy
  • Big Tough Ralf for his principled opinions on Ireland
  • Jim Boston for somehow not getting banned yet
  • King Achilles for his brutal efficiency in serving up Conquer Club brand justice
  • Shannon Apple for her thoughtful rebuttal of cheating
  • Gary Denton for actually being made of LEGO in real life
  • Dukasaur for fielding the greatest FAQ thread of all time
  • Mookie McGee for never replying to my top secret wall post
  • ConfederateSS for his undeniable patriotism
....and many more!

I look forward to smelling you on the battlefield.
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Postby Dukasaur on Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:17 pm

“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:15 am

The people of Ireland thank you for your support, Stink.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:37 am

Éire go Brách

And yes, I play for FUN, not for Blood, unless points and revenge are at stake. :D

Keep up the Posts and Stink, PS, as long as you are far from me (20 feet or more) and Down wind, too..! :D =D>

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Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:25 am

jusplay4fun wrote:Éire go Brách

For those unaware, this roughly translates as 'I am American'.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:41 am

bigtoughralf wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Éire go Brách

For those unaware, this roughly translates as 'I am American'.

Erin go Bragh is an Anglicization of Éire go Brách, among other forms, literally meaning “Ireland till the end of time” in the Irish language. The phrase was apparently first recorded during the Irish Rebellion of 1798. It was on a flag brandished by the United Irishmen to voice a rallying cry for Irish independence from Britain.

In the 19th century, Erin go Bragh was occasionally used as a slogan to express Irish national pride. It was even used as a motto for the now defunct Irish Unionist Party. In modern Ireland, it’s used as the name of a Dublin-based Gaelic games athletics club. Many noted Irish musicians have also written songs that are either titled Erin go Bragh or deal with it as a theme. But the expression’s principal currency, as far as the record is concerned, has been sentimental, used to invoke and celebrate Irish pride and culture.,the%20Irish%20Rebellion%20of%201798.

ralph continues to show his ignorance of a white culture he claims to respect and cherish. MORON = ralph

I am waiting for poorSTOOOPIDralph to claim he was "joking" but the joke is on HIM. :lol: =D> :D

Go back to study more about the Irish, ralph, because it is obvious that you only have a very cursory and myopic view and knowledge of the Irish. Éire go Brách

Big Tough Ralf for his principled uninformed opinions on Ireland

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Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:59 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:white culture

'Irish' isn't a skin colour. gtfo out of here with that Jim Crow nonsense and stop proving my translation right.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:19 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:white culture

'Irish' isn't a skin colour. gtfo out of here with that Jim Crow nonsense and stop proving my translation right.

minor point first: "gtfo out..." gtfo means get the f*ck out out....repeats the word OUT, unnecessarily. Can you say STOOPID ralph?

Point #2 I did NOT prove your translation right; I proved it WRONG, you MORON. You are an IDIOT LOSER, ralph...!!

Main point:
As usual, PoorStoopidWeak&Soft ralph shows how stooopid he is. Jim Crow and their armed wing the KKK was anti-Irish, too, IDIOT. StoopidRalph continues to show that he does not really understand the Irish culture or History. He certainly missed key points of the History of the USA, too. And Brian is NOT the same as Bobby; BUT, the KKK = enforcers of Jim Crow Laws.

Founded in the late 1860s, the KKK pursued vigorously – including through murder—its racist belief in the supremacy of the White race. It also persecuted – often violently – people it considered “foreigners,” i.e., immigrants. Never mind that the KKK members were immigrants themselves and/or children or grandchildren of immigrants.

Although usually associated with the South and its persecution of Blacks, the KKK also targeted Catholics and Jews and was very active in various parts of the country, including my home state of Arizona – a while back I wrote about KKK cross burnings in Arizona mining towns in the 1950s. And, as we’ll see below, the KKK was also active in the northern and mid-western states.

In the KKK’s halcyon days, elected officials at all levels – from congressmen and governors to mayors and sheriffs – were among its members and supporters. Regular folk supported the KKK because it blamed immigrants and non-Protestants for stealing jobs from ‘true’ Americans.

As the following examples show – and they are only examples … there are many more similar instances – Irish immigrants didn’t suffer discrimination in their new country passively.

A Clash Over Catholicism
Notre Dame students confronted the Ku Klux Klan in 1924


The students were so exuberant that they rushed up the steps toward the third-floor office. At the top of the first flight, a wild-eyed man who said he was a Baptist preacher jumped out and stuck a pistol in the chest of Bill Foohey, a sophomore from Fort Wayne, Indiana. The students retreated down the stairs and regrouped.

This quick turnabout in some ways encapsulates the riotous confrontation between the Klan and Notre Dame students in 1924. It represents the students’ free-spirited success in facing down hatred, but then gave way to the real dangers of a violent anti-immigrant fervor that swept through Indiana and much of the nation and focused its hate on both Catholics and the Irish.

Boys in Butte: The Ku Klux Klan confronts the Catholics
Christine K. Erickson
The University of Montana


This thesis examines the Ku Klux Klan in Butte, Montana
from its founding in 1923 to its demise in 1929. A city
renown for its Irish Catholic heritage, Butte seemed an
unlikely choice of residence for the fiercely white
supremacist and militantly Protestant order. However,
approximately 181 men did consider it worth their while to
join Kontinental Klan No. 30 over the course of its six year

Sorry to Ruin Stink's special thread, but the stupidity of WeakSoftRalph needs to be pointed out and addressed. ralf = MORON

Correction: Big Tough Ralf for his principled uninformed opinions on Ireland

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Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:53 am

Until you apologize for stating that only white people can be properly Irish I don't think I or anyone else in OT should do you the favour of reading through a diatribe like that in full.

Also, stop ruining PureStink's birthday party. Man's out here trying to celebrate and you're taking up half his thread flaming people.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:45 pm

SmallSoftRalph is a racist and a hater. 'nuff said.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:49 pm

I am sure SmallSoftralph has NO idea of this:

As of 2016, 10,100 Irish nationals of African descent referred to themselves as "Black Irish" in the national census. The term "Black Irish" is sometimes used outside Ireland to refer to Irish people with black hair and dark eyes. One theory is that they are descendants of Spanish traders or of the few sailors of the Spanish Armada who were shipwrecked on Ireland's west coast, but there is little evidence for this.

He will claim to the Contrary, but ralph is very ignorant of Irish culture, heritage, and History. He proves that with nearly every post about the Irish. Éire go Brách

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