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The Great War

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Re: The Great War

Postby robellis00 on Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:49 am

Greetings Confederate SS. Thanks for your response, but you misunderstand. I'm referencing the maps listed as those which have a probability of dropping Great War Tokens - Cannon, based on the list described on the first page of the Great War Thread. Meaning, I'm not talking about maps that are used in the tourneys. The last time a list of maps was approved for dropping tokens was Sept 2014. I'm just suggesting that this list of maps that drop Cannon tokens be updated and expanded. Maybe if we use all of the previous maps, along with some new ones, then we'll continue to expand the list of players that are able to join the tourneys.

Whatever happens, I'm still enjoying this Great War effort. It has been very challenging and interesting, so thanks to everyone that has made it possible.

Happy hunting.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Man from Modesto on Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:25 am

By coincidence, I was just on Dukasaur’s home page. There is a link to the 10 maps which drop Great War tokens.

Warning: some are lame and don’t make sense for inclusion. World 2.1 is there, though.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:35 am

Man from Modesto wrote:By coincidence, I was just on Dukasaur’s home page. There is a link to the 10 maps which drop Great War tokens.

Warning: some are lame and don’t make sense for inclusion. World 2.1 is there, though.

Yes, I've added a link to my signature.

However, these have been posted many times in this thread. If you ever can't find them, just go to the Directory in the first post:
Subject: The Great War

From there, follow the link to Token Criteria, which includes the current list:

Tokens drop from a joining and/or winning public games on a specified list of maps:

Current list:
World 2.1
Classic Cities: London
World War I Gallipoli
Battle for Iraq!
Rail Europe
Poison Rome
Land and Sea
4 Star Meats

And also includes the
show: justifications
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:35 pm

Subject: Great War Trivia Event

Dukasaur wrote:
Razorvich wrote:Hooch ...........50 Credits 1x Image, 1x Image

t4mcr53s2 ......50 Credits 1x Image, 1x Image

Ukey ...........100 Credits 2x Image, 2x Image

ZaBeast .......100 Credits 2x Image, 2x Image

#turperbuoco Medal (MVP)
jfm10 ..........500 Credits 1x Image


Medals and tokens awarded. Sorry for the delay.

Many thanks to all who participated!
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:13 am

----I'm flying through the Mesopotamia sector Duk...I was wondering as I do the Battle of it was a small engagement...could I keep it a small and simple tourney, and make it Freemium friendly(not to many games per rounds)...promote it as such :)...I am THE BSR...VOICE OF THE REGULAR JOES... :) O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...I am doing all that were listed,I am doing my very best, at not using the same maps over and over...In fact,I don't intend to use Battle for Iraq until my last battle ,of the boot,ending the Samarrah offensive battles... :D
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Re: The Great War

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:49 am

LiveLoveTeach wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet is currently up to date.

The newest tournaments do not have their individual iterations linked yet - look for that to be updated after the new year, when all are done re-iterating! :)

Everything is up to date! All of the tournaments through the end of the 13th quarter are linked.

Evacuation of Gallipoli is the last tournament that will be completed in 2017, while Seventh Isonzo is the first to be completed in 2018! =D>
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:14 am

LiveLoveTeach wrote:
LiveLoveTeach wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet is currently up to date.

The newest tournaments do not have their individual iterations linked yet - look for that to be updated after the new year, when all are done re-iterating! :)

Everything is up to date! All of the tournaments through the end of the 13th quarter are linked.

Evacuation of Gallipoli is the last tournament that will be completed in 2017, while Seventh Isonzo is the first to be completed in 2018! =D>

Awesome! Thank you.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:37 am

-----The Fall of Baghdad/Storyline-------
------------March 8-11,1917---------

-------------Well it has been over a week, since I was on the river Tigris, smack dab in the middle of a naval gunboat battle between Ottoman and British Empires. The British completely destroyed the forces of The Ottoman Empire on the river. A few days later earlier Gen. Maude had driven Turkish forces under command of Karabekir Bey out of KUT and recaptured it. Karabekir led his troops out before Kut fell. He didn't want to become trapped in Kut. Like British commander Gen.Townshend, did when the Turks took the city from the British.
------As Gen. Maude's forces continued to have success on pushing back on the Ottomans in the region led by Khalil Pasha, who was the one who captured Kut earlier. Earning him among the Turks , the nickname "THE HERO OF KUT". Gen. Maude's war caravan has been just over excited about their achievements. After my trip on the river, in the Battle of Nahar-al-Kalek, I have found myself traveling with Gen. Maude's war cabinet.
------I had awoke from a peaceful sleep on this early morning of March 8th,1917. Our troops are just about 35 miles from Baghdad, on the outskirts of the Ancient city. We are camped where the Diyala and Tigris rivers converge. The sand behind me seems to go forever to the horizon. As lines in the sand seem to move in the darkness like waves on the ocean. Although I know they are just shadows of sand dunes. But still KOOL none the less. As I look at the 2 rivers before us. I can see the night time sky, filled with stars upon stars, reflecting in the water. It just doesn't seem like a World War is taking place. It is such a peaceful setting.
------As I skipped a few stones along the surface of the Diyala river. A messenger comes running up to me.
------"Major your wanted in the war tent.", he says, gasping for breathe.
------"O.K. Sgt. ,let us be on our way.",I reply smiling.
------As we enter the tent, Gen. Maude had begun to go over his plans to take Baghdad. He points to a battle map a top a crate of potatoes. The enemy leader Khalil Pasha has decided to defend Baghdad. By positioning his troops here where the Diyala and Tigris rivers come together. Khalil's troops are a little bigger, do to some of Kut's defenders, fled Kut and joined his troops on the outskirts of Baghdad. Gen. Maude lets us know he plans to attack Khalil's forces head on. When I hear this plan , I feel a queezy feeling in my stomach.
------As the War council disbands and the men report to their respected positions. British troops on a quiet, tried in darkness on March 8th to sneak across the Tigris river. Then suddenly the Tigris erupted in a fire storm of flashes of light. For the Turkish army was waiting for the unexpecting British troops. As the Tigris ran red with blood. The British ran their way back across from the east bank of the Tigris. Now the 2 armies know each other's plans. As Gen. Maude tries to cross the rivers slip past Khalil's forces. Khalil tries to hold the British back. As he hopes the forces of Ali Ishan Bey can join him as he buys time. For at the moment Khalil finds himself outnumbered 2 to 1(50,000 British-vs-25,000 Turks).
------On March 9th the cat and mouse chess match of the 2 commanders resumes. This time the plan of Gen. Maude is a frontal attack as he tries and pushes his troops across the Diyala river. As in yesterday's battle. Khalil's forces are able to repel the British river crossing. As the day of March 9th wore on. Gen. Maude held a brief meeting in the war tent. He decided to switch his tactics. To a more of a "GO" strategy than a chess strategy. that SUN TZU would be proud of. In fact, it reminds me of what GENERAL LEE'S plan to attack North. In The U.S. Civil War. He was trying to draw Union troops away from Washington/Richmond area. The Ironic thing was, once he was stuck at Gettysburg. The Union troops took position on top of hills forming a fish hook. Anyone could see that it was a great defensive position. Lee's Generals kept telling him to leave. Attack elsewhere. Make Gen. Meade(USA) come off the hills and chase Lee's army. But Lee kept trying to attack up hill.
------Well Gen. Maude has chosen to try in secret to take troops, the bulk of his British army, 7km down river. Cross the west bank of the Tigris river by building pontoon bridges. As this was going on. Word came to Gen. Maude, that planes from the German Army Air service has spotted the bridge building. No doubt by now , Khalil has been told of the crossing down river. British pickets have spotted Turkish troop movements being sent to intercept. For Khalil sent the majority of the Turkish force across the Tigris to meet the British. Gen. Maude was also told that the Turks have only left a small band of soldiers guarding the area Khalil just left on the Diyala. Well this was a huge mistake by Khalil. For not only did he leave his well planned defensive positions. But his small force guarding the Diyala river, was quickly crushed by the British.
------As the British were crushing the small Turkish force left on the Diyala. Around the samne time, Khalil Pasha had decided to stop his plan of chasing Gen. Maude and his large force. Khalil was seen by British cavalry advance units. Leaving his position at Tel Aswad, moving very fast in the direction of Baghdad. They(The British cavalry) were able to capture one of Khalil's rearguard units. the Turkish soldiers told Gen. Maude, that Khalil was racing back to Baghdad to protect the Baghdad to Berlin railway. As March 10th was coming to a close, British troops were held up from chasing Khalil Pasha's troops by a sandstorm, as Gen. Maude decided to end daily operations.
------Reports from German forces to Khalil's forces were intercepted by British intelligence. The Germans were telling Khalil to launch a counter-attack and go back after Gen. Maude's forces. But as sandstorms were clearing up. Khalil was ordered to leave Baghdad,by The Ottoman High Command. As Maude's troops started reaching the outer reaches of Baghdad. We can see we are just on the heels of the Ottoman forces fleeing Baghdad. But along with the fleeing Turkish army. Are a bunch of caravans of civilians evacuating the city in every direction. The SUN has gone down on the Horizon. It is around 8pm in the evening.
------As our troops move closer to Baghdad itself. Traveling all into the dark of night. March 11th falls upon us. an Anglo-Indian cavalryman of our advancing forces rides up to Gen. Maude. He informs the General. That our Anglo-Indian troops have entered the Heart of the City of Baghdad. They have taken the city with no fight put up. Soon all of Gen. Maude forces have taken the city. Without a fight. as we have captured Baghdad. It also has allowed us to capture 9,000 of Khalil's fleeing troops. Who in the confusion of the evacuation, were caught up with the fleeing caravans of the civilians.
------As we ride through Baghdad, the scene is a troubling one. Yes we took the city without a fight. But the streets of the city are empty. Most all of the shops in the city were closed. In a Christian cemetery just to the east of the road leading towards Persia. Coffins and half-body-skeletons were floating on waves of sand. So many dead, on account of the city being ravaged by Cholera,over 300 people are dying from it everyday. The Christian dead were being buried on the new embankment of the high road to Persia. So that people walking and riding not only had to pass by but even had to make their way among and over the graves. There was no longer any life in the city. Iraqi troops that served the Turks, but always were friendly towards the British. Were jailed not in Aba Shraib, but sent to India.
------Which seems a little sad. For when our British troops entered Baghdad. We were greeted with enthusiasm by the local residents. As General Maude would issue a proclamation to the people of Baghdad. Maude would speak,"Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies. But as Liberators.".
------As I see the history of 'The Cradle of Civilization" around me. I go around and view some 1,000's year old sites. I retire to a small brickish hut to rest until tomorrow. To await where Gen. Maude will go next.
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:46 am

-----------The Fall of Baghdad/ Tournament-------
---------1/3................16 Player Tournament------

--------Wayward Day's Diary:March 8-11,1917-----
---------Where other British commanders had moved at a snail's pace in the Middle East sector of WWI. Gen.F.S.Maude was a fighter. He took the war right after Khalil Pasha,in the Mesopotamia part of WWI. After KUT, Gen. Maude was on the move. After trying to attack the Ottoman forces head on outside Baghdad. Maude switched his tactic to more of a "GO" strategy. He was able to get Khalil's troops to leave their defensive positions outside Baghdad. Then taking Baghdad itself without a fight. That it self is an Heroic feat to do. In such a World wide war of death. A complete British victory,peacefully.

Round 1)(Gen.Maude tries to attack fortified enemy positions)
16 players start and 10 move on.Maps:Trench Warfare,Dust Bowl,Extreme Global Warming:3,1-vs-1 games on each map.:Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(Gen.Maude tries a "GO" strategy,Sun Tzu would like)
10 players start and 6 move on,Scores Reset,Maps:8 Thoughts,Chinese Checkers,Greater China:3,5 player games on each map.:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(Race for Baghdad,Victory with no Battle)
6 players start,Scores Reset,Maps:Circus Maximus,Conquer 500:5,6 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Unlimited,20 Rounds.
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:51 am

------------------The Samarrah Offensive/Storyline------
---------Part I:Samarrah....March 13,1917----

----------I Wayward Day was awoke on this morning of March 12th,1917. As a ray of sunshine peered through a small hole in the roof of the hut, I had went to rest in for the night. The beam of light was like a laser on my face. It hurt for a few seconds. But the pain quickly went away. as I got to my feet. I was hot, a little sweaty. But all and all , I felt great, from a quiet night's sleep.
------As I left my hut, I started walking through the streets of Baghdad. The people seemed nice, and the city was in pretty good shape. For a major city in the middle of World War I. After a few hours of walking around, I headed for the war tent of Gen. F.S.Maude,commander of the British forces in Mesopotamia. The General staff was sitting sown for mid-morning tea. I sat down and joined them. Gen. Maude scheduled a briefing of his new Samarrah Offensive plan at noon.
------After an hour and a half passed by. Sharing stories with other officers over teatime. Gen. Maude stood up and headed to a battle map, hanging on the wall of the war tent. In fact it looks like someone drew the surrounding countryside on the wall of the tent. as Gen. Maude spoke of his plan. He would draw dots and lines,and dotted lines. All over the map. Showing our positions at Baghdad. That of Khalil's army, along with troops of Ali Ishan Bey fleeing the Russians from Persia.
------Gen. Maude's plan is to take the railyard of Samarrah. The 1st part of the plan,will ironically be the final part of the taking of Samarrah. With 6 other major and minor part battles along the way. Gen. Maude would outline his 4 objectives to secure victory in maintaining British control in the region.
1)Khalil Pasha's 6th army needed to be driven north.
2)The Ottoman 8th Corps under Ali Ishan Bey moving to join the 6th army must be driven away.
3)The railyard at Samarrah must be captured to prevent an Ottoman build up of troops.
4)The British must secure the dams around Baghdad, so that the Ottomans don't flood the area.
------As the briefing ends, I head back to my hut,gather my things and join the British forces. As it gets ready to pull out late in the after noon. To head for a junction that is believed to be held by Turkish forces. The junction of where the rivers Tigris and Adhaim meet, some 35km downriver from Baghdad. The hot sand filled wind makes it hard to stay in my saddle. But I manage to hold on. As our forces approach the river junction. I would appear the Turks have fled once again.
------We continue on the march towards destiny. as I pull up and ride next to Gen. Maude. We chat for a while. The General goes on to give his impression of the British. That British officials believed in control of Mesopotamia would safe guard British oil interests in Persia. Instead of caring for the Iraqi people. That he himself told the newly liberated people he would do. The fact aside from war. The area was also experiencing an immense drought and famine. Within a year, the British would be fighting not only the Turks. But a military insurrection. When greed over oil. Will soon led to betraying our Arab allies. Who helped and continue to help us against the Ottoman Empire. In exchange of having a free nation or nations of their own.
------I could not help in my mind, think of my own country of The United States having the same problem decades later. But I went on to listen to the General and his words.
------"General Sir, you are most likely 100% right. If only the British government could see so clearly!",I said.
------"Thank you Major. But I feel the world is heading forward on deaf ears.",he said smiling.
------Our advance cavalry met up with some of Khalil's rearguard,but quickly destroyed them or chased the few survivors off. It doesn't matter about Khalil knowing we are on the march. For over the past 2 days. German air units have flown over our troops , both in Baghdad and even now that we march.
------Khalil has withdrawn his forces another 35km further north to the town of Istabulet. To take up a formidable positions between the Tigris river and Ali Jali Canal. With the Samarrah railway itself lay in between. Khalil has also left rear guards and small garrisons to slow our advance. As he awaits the arrival of Ali Ishan Bey and his 15,000 troops. In hopes of launching a counter strike. To push us out of the region.
------As the oncoming battle fly by my reports will become shorter and shorter. As our troops move, faster and faster. In a game of cat and mouse. We slam into Khalil's rearguard forces, slowing us down. Fallujah is very easily seized, with no loss of life. An attempt at encircling Ali Ishan Bey's 15,000 men failed. But we did stop him from joining Khalil's for the time being.
------Having fought for a few weeks for Samarrah. Would led to heaving fighting. In which a see saw battle would be upon us. Some positions of the 2 clashing armies of the Ottoman and British Empires, would switch sides some 7 times. Until the Turks left in the dark of night. For continuing attacks by our British forces, and more help on the way. Has persuaded the Turks to cede Samarrah, leaving the town and it's railway in British hands.
------This led to a break in the action as Gen.Maude would shut down operations in the area. While his army rests and regroups for a few months. Which was good, because the men are getting fatigued from all the marching through the Desert. As I sit down, rest with a bottle of water. I look through my notes. Yes, it is Fallujah, part II of The Samarrah Offensive. As I read....I can hear some of the over 38,000 men that have become very ill, during our march. Moaning and groaning in pain. Yes, this rest is very much needed.
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:57 am

------Samarrah Offensive/ Tournament------
-------Part I: Samarrah------
---------1/3...................18 player Tournament-----
-----------Wayward Day's Diary: March 13th,1917-----

-------------Well the Samarrah Offensive was launched by Gen. F.S.Maude of the British Army. To take the railyard at Samarrah from Khalil Pasha's Ottoman forces. Gen.Maude had a 4 objective plan for the battle. 1)Drive Khalil's 6th army north. 2)Stop Ali Ishan Bey's 8th corp of 15,000 men from joining Khalil's 6th army. 3)Take the railyard at Samarrah to prevent tnhe Turks from reinforcing and resupplying. 4)Secure the dams around Baghdad, so the Turks don't flood the region. Although a success in a British victory. The Samarrah Offensive cost the British over 18,000 casualties,a high price to pay,along with another 38,000 men would become seriously ill.

Round 1)(Objective railways and dams)
18 players start and 12 move on.Maps:Rail Europe,Rail Asia,Netherlands,3,1-vs-1 games on each map.:Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 rounds.

Round 2)(Places of Birth/Death of the leaders who fought)
12 players start and 6 move on.Scores Reset,Maps:Classic Cities:Istanbul,C.C.:London,Indian Empire,3,6 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(Ottoman Generals who killed many)
6 players start,Scores Reset,Maps:WWI Ottoman Empire,Das Schloss,5,6 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:02 am

-------Seizure of Fallujah/Storyline-----
--------Part II: Sam. Off.-----
-----------March 19th,1917----

----------I Wayward Day find the morning of March 19th,1917 a some what peaceful one. Sandstorms that plagued our Anglo-Indian army force. Have seemed to have vanished for now. Like the top part of an hourglass, the time of bad weather has run out for now. As I drink from my canteen, through the corner of my eye I can see a messenger running towards me.
------"Major, here is a letter from General Maude!",he shouts,handing me the letter.
------"Thank You Sgt.",I reply.
------I ask him,"Do you know what it says?"
------"Yes",he answers, laughing
------"How do you feel about it?",I say.
------"Well Sir, it should be very interesting.",he says as he walks off.
------The note says I am to led a small command detail to seize the town of Fallujah. The Sgt.(O'Malley) who just dropped off the order. Is to me my aid. On the mission. He has just gone to get my horse. This is part of Gen.Maude's 4 part objective in Mesopotamia,his Samarrah Offensive. We are to capture Fallujah and secure the dams on the Euphrates river. To prevent the Turkish army from flooding the area. Well that is the gist of it anyway.
------As Sgt.O'Malley brings my horse and supplies. We head to the rest of the combat force. We are quickly briefed by Gen. Maude. Then off we go into a sea of sand. That's an understatement, for navigating your way through the Desert, is like a sea captain sailing the seas. I have a queasy feeling in my stomach, not from the travel through the Desert. More so, the fact that I am not a real officer. Well, I guess I am now, just like that.
------For hours on end we travel it seems. Through the SUN baked sands of The Syrian Desert. As I reach into my satchel and take out my field glasses. I head to the top of a little sand dune, off sparkling in the distance. I can see the town of Fallujah as it juts out on the bends in the Euphrates. As it sticks out like a sea port on the Syrian Desert. as I put my field glasses away. I look at a local scratching of some sort of map. I can see where we are, closing in on Fallujah.
------I can see a path on the map of dots and lines. It is an ancient trade route. That heads towards Fallujah. As the route and the town of Fallujah, links the Oasis towns of The Nerd Province, in my time,Saudi Arabia. With the great cities of Aleppo and Mosul to the north. The town of Fallujah is also on the desert highway between Baghdad and Amman. Fallujah is a crossroads, for 1,000's of years people have bene going up and down, that north-south desert highway. It reminds me of Route 66 back in THE USA. Fallujah is a place that binds together the people of wnhat is my time,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Syria and Jordan.
------AsI stare at the map. I think, although longer and will take more time. I have decided to attack Fallujah by taking the ancient route. I believe the Turks will have the desert highway well protected. Our troops pull out heading down that old trade route. As we grow nearer to the town of Fallujah, I keep expecting our troops to come under attack. Closer and Closer we come towards the town.Still nothing. The silence is what scores me the most. I kinda would rather be under an artillery barrage right now.
------Wait could the Turks have fled like they have been doing. Nope, I see them. HOLD ON.
------"LOOK, up there a top the dome shaped tower! It is a white flag waving!",shouts Sgt.O'Malley.
------"I believe your right Sgt.",I reply.
------As our troops enter the town of Fallujah. We enter unopposed. The small garrison of Turkish soldiers. Await us in the town's square. Right in the middle of the city. All their weapons in a large pile. Their commander comes over to me, he unlatches his belt, with his sword on it. He hands me his sword. As he bows his head. He then proceeds to kneel before me.
------"Get up, I tell him, as I accept his surrender. You and your men will not be harmed.",I tell him,lowering my hand.
------The Turkish officer stands up, he smiles and shakes my hand. He and his men are allowed to go to a section of town. As long as they stay there in peace. They will not be bothered.
------WOW!,I think to myself. This is pretty easy. Commanding a combat force. I tell O'Malley to let the men rest and have fun. Well, not to much fun.
------As a few hours pass, I am in a small local drinking establishment. Who should come in? I nearly die inside. Standing before me, live in person. It is MR.ARABIA himself.Lt.Col.T.E.Lawrence.
------"Well Major,it see you and your men have had quite a battle.",he says chuckling.
------"Yes,Col. sit down , enjoy the festivities.",I say smiling.
------The 2 of us talk and drink for hours on end. The Col.Mr.Arabia, sees our Mesopotamia invasion a disaster. He believes the people of England have been led into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honor. They have been tricked into it by a steady with holding of information. The reports coming from Baghdad, are belated,insincere and incomplete. Things have been far worse than we have been told by our administration more bloody and inefficient than the public knows. It is a disgrace to our Imperial record and may soon be to inflamed for any ordinary cure. we are today not far from disaster. Our unfortunate troops, Indian and British, under hard conditions of climate and supply. Will be forced to police an immense area we take from the ottomans. Paying early everyday in lives for the willfully wrong policy of the civil administration in Baghdad and London. But the responsibility in this case, is not the army. Which has had acted only upon the request of the civil authorities. I think to myself. T.E.Lawrence might as well be talking about Fallujah 87 years later. as it sounds like Iraqi and USA relations in my time.
------Col. Lawrence goes on to tell of his bunk mate at Sandhurst Military Academy. Lt.Col.Gerald Leachman, who was sent to patrol an area controlled by local tribes men. He was killed by a tribal leader named Shaykh Dhari. For Fallujah is an area that embodies the inter related tribal, religious and national aspects of Iraqi History. As the Col. leaves. I think of what I have learned walking around town today.
-----People in the city are linked by tribe family or marriage to people in all of the surrounding countries of my time of, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Jordan. Most of the people follow ideas that came out of the eastern part of Saudi Arabia in the late 18th century. Which in my time are called Wahhabi ideas. Ideas of a man called Muhammad Ib n' Abdal-Wahhab, which took root in Fallujah more than 200 years ago. In other words, it is a place where what we in the west would call Fundamentalist Salafi, or Wahhabi ideas. That have been implanted for 10 generations in the region.
------As I look around the town of Fallujah, before our troops head back to meet up with the main force of Gen.Maude. It looks so peaceful, I know what it will look like for the next 87 years. So sad. Well a trip that took 8 days, to secure a surrender in 8 minutes, not to shabby, for an American student, studying in Italy, but caught some how over a 100 years earlier in the heart of World War I. T.E.Lawrence waves bye to me, as our troops leave the city. I feel sad inside, I know Mr.Arabia will survive WWI, but not his own demons, that will cause him to take his own life...AWAY WE GO....
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:09 am

-------Seizure of Fallujah/ Tournament-----
-----------Part II: Sam. Off.-----
---------1/3..................16 Player Tournament-----
----------Wayward Day Diary: March 19th,1917----

-----------Gen.Maude ordered the seizure of Fallujah to prevent the Turkish Army from flooding the area around the Euphrates river basin. He ordered the dams to be secure and the town taken. In 8 days after the fall of Baghdad. Fallujah surrendered without a fight as well. The Ottoman Garrison at Fallujah had no will to fight. A British Victory over the Ottoman Empire. a long with stopping the Turks from flooding the region. The British mow controlled the major trade routes and desert highways of the region. But doom would soon engulf this area, an still last till even now in the 21st century.

Round 1)(Crossroads of the area)
16 players start and 10 move on.,Maps:Castle Lands,Conquer 4,Middle East:3,1-vs-1 games on each map.:Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(A mirror image of Modern US/Iraq of today)
10 players start and 6 move on,Scores Reset:Maps:USA,U.S.Senate,Route 66:3,5 player games on each map.:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained, 20 rounds.

Round 3)(Joining a lot of Oasis cities of the Syrian Desert)
6 players start, Scores Reset:Maps:Oasis,W.W.I Gallipoi:5,6 player games on each map.:Terminator, Auto,Sequential, Escalating, Chained,20 Rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:14 am

--------Battle of Jebel Hamrin/ Storyline-----
-------------Part III: Sam. Off.-----
--------------March 25th,1917---

-------------Well I Wayward Day just a few days ago captured the town of Fallujah, without a shot being fired. I'm back in Baghdad at Gen.Maude's command center. As he continues to execute his Samarrah Offensive. As he goes over today's plans for the Samarrah Offensive objectives. For Gen. Maude feels the presence of 10,000 Ottoman troops north of Baghdad. Led by Khalil Pasha,and the presence of of another 15,000 troops under Ali Ishan Bey. Posed a threat to the British position in the region. For intelligence obtained by the British , indicated that the Ottomans were preparing a new army group to retake Mesopotamia.
------Gen.Maude has chosen to dispatch 4 columns under the command of Maj.Gen. H. D'urban Keary. The 1st objective for the force was to be the village of Baquba. In hopes to trap Ali Ishan Bey's troops. Reports the British have, tell that Ishan Bey would attempt to meet up with Khalil's existing force at Baquba, where a Turkish garrison was in place. As the briefing ends, everyone departs. I gather my things and go to join one of the columns.
------We depart for Baquba in hopes of one big showdown with the Ottoman forces. Winner take all in the battle for Mesopotamia. Well when we arrived at Baquba, we learn from the local towns people. That the Turkish garrison went north to join Ali Ishan Bey's forces. There was no word on where Khalil's troops are at the moment. Gen. Keary decided to head north, after Ishan's troops. Gen. Keary hopes to squeeze Ishan's forces, between his British troops and the Russians forces chasing Ishan out of Persia. Which would trap the Turkish forces at the foot of the Jebel Hamrin mountains.
------Reports of Khalil's 6th army were coming in. Khalil was attempting to join Ishan's XIII corps and invade British India. But Khalil seen Russian forces under the command of Lt.Gen. Nikolai Nikolavich Batratov. But decided to head back to Mesopotamia. A few Russians pursued Khalil's 6th army. But Ishan was able to send some of his XIII corps to the Diyala river. Ishan's troops held their ground against the Russians, who at this point had lost the nerve to fight. This allowed Khalil's 6th army to slip back across the Diyala river, back into Mesopotamia. Gen. Maude got word of this. As Gen. Keary was ordered to head towards and hunt down Ali Ishan Bey's troops at the Jebel Hamrin mountains.
------As Keary's advance up the Diyala river was delayed by acts of Ottoman rear guard units. Ishan sent 4,500 of his troops to dig 3 secure lines of trenches, overlooking 2 canals at the foot of Mt. Hamrin. Meanwhile , Gen. Keary has no idea the Russians have left the area. His plan is to attack straight ahead. It needs to begin in secret. Well Turkish troops have spotted our troops building a bridge. The Turks have sent more of their troops to the area. As seen and reported to Gen. Keary by British air units.
------Gen.Keary still intends to send his Indian brigade to attack the Ottoman position. While the 9th Indian brigade would flank around to the east. A point that the Turks have now reinforced, do to them seeing our troops building bridges. Well things started off in a disaster. The 9th Indian brigade did not flank far enough east. They attacked right where the Turks put more troops. Instead of encircling the Turkish trenches as Gen. Keary hoped. The 9th Indian brigade became pinned down, and was only able to withdraw. Once the 8th Indian brigade launched their assault at the center of the Ottoman trenches.
------By the end of the day of March 25th, Gen. Keary called off the attack. To prevent his troops from suffering more useless casualties. Ishan used this Ottoman Victory to withdraw across the Diyala river, in an effort to link up with Khalil Pasha's 6th Ottoman Army.
------Meanwhile our battle worn troops press on wards, as Gen. Keary hopes on joining up with the Russian Persian Forces. Chase and destroy the Turkish forces of Khalil and Ishan. As we make our way into Persia. We come across a Russian force, that has quit the war. Those who have not already deserted. Have no will to continue to fight. As the Russians and Gen.Keary learn about the Russian Revolution, taking Russian troops off the battlefields of WWI. Today's date APRIL 1st. I don't know about in the British Empire, but in my time, in The USA. April 1st is APRIL FOOL'S DAY. After we traveled all this way, only to come up empty, of finding Allied help. The day of April Fools seems fitting, symbolic some how.
------Gen. Keary, turns our forces around. We don't track the Ottoman forces. Instead we head to rejoin Gen.Maude's main force, in his Samarrah Offensive. Although the Battle of Jebel Hamrin is an Ottoman victory. The Ottomans will never again threaten British India, by way of Persia. As we head back, I try and count the stars in the night sky, as time passes by. As if watching our beaten troops return to base, through a sea of sand. On to the next battle...
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:19 am

---------Battle of Jebel Hamrin/ Tournament------
----------Part III: Sam. Off.-------
--------1/3................16 Player Tournament------
--------Wayward Day's Diary: March 25th,1917---

-----------Part of Gen.Maude's Samarrah Offensive is to stop Ali Ishan Bey's 15,000 Ottoman troops. From joining up with Khalil Pasha's 10,000 troops and forming a new Ottoman Army Group, to take back Mesopotamia. Gen. Maude dispatches 4 columns of British troops under the command of Maj. Gen. Keary. To hunt down Ishan's troops. Gen. Keary heads north to squeeze Ishan's troops between the British and the Russian forces in Persia. In the end, Ishan holds off a chance of Keary encircling the Turkish troops at the Battle of Jebel Hamrin. Keary also learns the Russians have quit World War I. An Ottoman Victory, Ishan's troops still run free.

Round 1)(Gen. Maude dispatches 4 columns of Infantry)
16 players start 10 move on.Maps:Alexander's Empire, King of The Mountains, Peloponnesian War:3,1-vs-1 games on each map:POLY(4),Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(Leaders of both sides Gamble)
10 players start and 6 move on,Scores Reset:Maps:Classic Cities:Istanbul,Indian Empire,Poker Club:3,5 player games on each map.:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(Gen.Keary's hope for Russian help,turns up empty)
6 players start,Scores Reset,Maps:Classic Cities:Moscow,Soviet Union:5,6 player games on each map.:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:26 am

--------Battle of Shiala/ Storyline-----
--------Part IV: Sam. Off.----
--------April 11th,1917----

------------Well I Wayward Day find myself in the war tent of Gen.Maude, on the morning of April 11th,1917. Things are not happy one here in camp. As even I know how easy the taking of Baghdad and Fallujah had been. But we sure took an old fashion wood shed whooping. The Turks gave us a humbling defeat at their hands. We all know, poor leadership was mostly at fault. For even with up to date air force reports. Gen. Keary threw our troops in a buzz saw effect of the enemy's strong position. If Gen. Keary was hoping to make a name for himself, he did.
------As Ali Ishan Bey's force of 15,000 got away from a chance of our troops encircling and destroying them, before they join up with Khalil Pasha's 6th Ottoman Army. Well Gen. Maude has decided to try one more time. He has dispatched a cavalry brigade to intercept Ishan's troops. As it was retreating from the Russians in Persia.
------As Gen. Maude looks over the battle map. News has just come in. Earlier the war tent found out that the cavalry brigade sent out after Ishan's forces. Had become over whelmed by the Turks, outnumbered and sent for help. Gen. Maude had sent 2 infantry brigades under the command of General Marshall.Marshall has reached the town of Shiala,states the report.
------Meanwhile at Shiala itself. Ali Ishan Bey and the British cavalry commander can not believe their eyes. They are surprised to see Gen. Marshall's 2 infantry brigades run right into part of the Turkish 2nd division of Ishan's forces. That just had defeated the British at the battle of Jebel Hamrin. As the Turkish 2nd division is engaged in a flank attack at Shiala on the Diyala river, some 30km west of the river Tigris.
------As more reports pour in, Gen. Maude continues to pace back and forth, hovering over the battle map. As the hours pass. The battle becomes a race between the 2 Armies. As the make a break for the high ground. The British troops scrambled up all the way. They were able to reach the high ground over looking Shiala 1st. Were soon able to set up 18 pound guns, that had just made it to the battle, a top the high ground.
------Gen. Maude would soon become relaxed. As the 18 pounders soon helped beat back attack after attack by the Turks. As the Turkish 2nd division fell back to the Jebel Hamrin Mountains to regroup. Gen. Marshall, had his 2 infantry brigades along with the one surrounded British cavalry brigade, turned and headed for the railway at Samarrah. To join up with the main British attack force. All in all, as both sides left Shiala. The Battle was a British Victory,but I'd call it a draw. Between the Empires of Great Britain and Ottoman.
------As the cheering calms down in the war tent. For we haven't won anything yet. Gen. Maude marks the next spot on his battle map. One place...Istabulat...Where Khalil Pasha has gone to regroup...I have been sent to a group known as BLACK WATCH BATTALION...It sounds peaceful,yikes.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:33 am

---------Hopefully a Freemium Friendly Tournament..........
--------Battle of Shiala/ Tournament-----
---------Part IV: Sam. Off.-----
------1/3.................12 Player Tournament-----
--------Wayward Day's Diary: April 11th,1917---
----------The battle of Shiala was a short engagement between the British and Ottoman Empires. After the British failed to destroy Ali Ishan Bey's 15,000 troops at the battle of Jebel Hamrin. Gen. Maude dispatches a cavalry brigade to find Ishan's forces. The cavalry soon became outnumbered and surrounded by the Turks at Shiala. Gen. Maude sent 2 infantry brigades under General Marshall to rescue the trapped British cavalry. In doing so met up with the Turkish 2nd division. Both raced to take the high ground. The British won the race. Soon the Turks left Shiala, the British left heading for Samarrah's railyard...The Battle a Draw, but I guess you could call it a small British Victory.

Round 1)(A Desert looking Map)
12 Players Start and 6 move on.Map:Thyseneal:3,1-vs-1 games,Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Unlinited,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(An out of the way kind of landscape)
6 Players Start and 2 move on,Scores Reset.Map:Tameriel:2,6 player games,Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Unlimited,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(Battle of Cavalry)
2 Players start,Map:Knights:3,1-vs-1 games,Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Unlimited,20 Rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:39 am

----------Battle of Istabulat/ Storyline------
------------Park V: Sam. Off.------
-----------April 21st,1917------

--------I Wayward Day have been sent out by Gen. Maude to join and report on the unit known as Black Watch. As Khalil Pasha has gone to Istabulat to regroup his Ottoman forces. Gen. Maude has sent in the Black Watch unit to go after him.
------As I leave camp, I can see some of the Infantry Brigades coming back from their hard fight at Shiala. As they rescued a trapped British cavalry brigade. Kept them from being wiped out by the Turks. I wave to them as I pass by. After a few hours through the sand and strong wind. I finally reach the Black Watch unit.
------As I make my way into the unit's camp. I see 2 soldiers sitting on some rocks. I head towards them. As they signal me over. I am already off my horse. As I walk to them, dusting off my clothes, full of sand. I shout,"Hello, I am Major Wayward Day,Gen. Maude has sent me to your unit!".The 2 of them laugh.
------"I am Lt. John Reginald Graham.",says the Lt..
------"Hello Major, I am Private Charles Melvin, but you can call me "Chay".",he says smiling.
------As I shake their hands, I feel a great since of honor. To be here with The Famed Black Watch,of the Scottish highlands. It is a well known group. That fights hard,with courage and honor. But I recognized Pvt. Melvin's name, as soon as he said it. When I was little, I visited Scotland once. I remember seeing his Victoria Cross in a museum,in Perth,Scotland. I didn't say or do anything to let him know his destiny. Or that I am from the Future. After an hour of talking about desert fighting. We went our separate ways. Night was going to be on us soon. We all needed to get a good rest. As we are to move out for Istabulat at 2 am. As I awoke to camp preparing for battle. All I could see was dust flying everywhere. Our troops ready to go, we set off after Khalil Pasha and his 6th army.
------Our assault on the Ottoman Position at Istabulat started on the early morning of April 21st,1917. The 92 Punjabis had joined the battle. They advanced on Istabulat station. They successfully led an assault and took the position. Then dug themselves in front of the main position, half a mile beyond the Turkish trenches. At 6:30 am, our Black Watch unit, joined by some Gurkhas reached the foot of the high ridge. Where the enemy laid in waiting for our assault. I found cover behind some sand dunes. Meanwhile the Gurkhas and Black Watch were reaching their objectives almost at the same time. The Gurkhas captured close to 200 Turks, in a small fort. As the Turkish defense was not as strong, as other places along their trenches.
------But in a fort near Dujail the Turk's defenses were stronger. Around 6:45am, Black Watch had cleared the strong point. But The Turks quickly regrouped their forces, and counter attacked. The Turks were able to retake the area,from Black Watch. But at 7:15am The Highlanders pushed the Turks away from this position. As this strong point was now back in British hands. However the Highlanders paid a heavy price. As the lost 10 officers and 173 enlisted men in the fighting.
------The Ottomans launched 7 counter attacks along the banks of the Dujail river. For over 2 hours the 2 armies fought hand to hand combat. Finally the British secured the north bank of the river. As I continue to follow the battle through my field glasses.
------During the fight for the north bank, I seen acts of courage, from the 2 Black Watch soldiers, I meet 1st in this unit. As Black Watch moved closer to the enemy across the sea of sand. Lt. Graham led his machine gun crews that had joined the 56th Punjabi Rifles(Frontier force). They charged across open ground, under very heavy rifle and machine gun fire from the Turks. When his men became casualties, he helped carry ammo during the battle. Even though he was wounded 2 times himself. He continued to advance as he controlled his guns. He was able to lay down accurate fire on the Turks. Who were planning and massing for a counter attack. The gun he had was put out of action by the Turk's rifle fire. As he was wounded for a 3rd time. As the Turks closed in, he was forced to leave his gun, but he destroyed it more making it useless. As he ran across the battlefield, he came across a "Lewis" machine gun. He used it until it was out of ammo, as he mowed down as many Turks as he could. He was wounded for a 4th time, this time severely, do to loss of blood,Lt. Graham finally left the battle.
------As I scanned the fighting through my field glasses. I see what I had already knew. Pvt. Melvin and his fellow men were pinned down, as they waited for help, only 50 yards from the enemy trenches. Pvt. Melvin quickly jumped up, rushed head on towards the enemy by himself. Over ground being swept end to end by rifle and machine gun fire. He finally made it to the Turkish trench. He stopped, fired 2 or 3 shots into the trench. Killing 1 or 2 Turks. As other Turks in the trench continued to fired at him. He jumped into the trench. His rifle broken. He attacked them with his bayonet, in his hand. Being attacked by a mad man, the Turks fled to their 2nd line of defense. But not before, Pvt. Melvin killed 2 more and disarmed 8 Turks and 1 wounded Turk, as he took them prisoner.
------After helping the wounded Turk. He got them out of the trench. He took them back towards the British forces, turned the prisoners over. He then grabbed a new rifle, a load of ammo, returned to the firing line. Where he reported his actions to his platoon SGT.. All this was done, not only under fire from rifles and machine guns. But on their way back to British lines. Pvt. Melvin and his prisoners were exposed to a very heavy artillery barrage. Through out the day Lt. Graham and Pvt. Melvin's actions greatly kept up moral, confidence, and courage in their fellow soldiers. Which helped the British to not let their left flank from being smashed by the Turks. Leading to victory over the Turks. Both men received the Victoria Cross for their actions.
------Around the same time, I was watching through my field glasses. The 9th Bhopals attempted a flanking movement but over shot their objectives and came under fire from the fortified banks of the Dujail river. 200 fell quickly, including great losses among their officers. South of the canal, one company of the 28th Punjabis advanced in line with the 21st (Bareily)Brigade. The Seaforths on their left launched their attacks some 3 hours later. Driving the Turks from their 1st line of defense.
------The Plan was to press on 1st on the right with the 21st Brigade was to give the Ottomans led by Khalil Pasha. A line of retreat to the left. To distract the Turks attention as much as possible from the troops, who had to advance over more open ground. But the Ottoman position held out all day. It was not until early morning under cover of darkness. On April 22nd, the Turks withdrew from their positions. Later pulled out of Istabulat.
------As the smoke, sand, and dust of the battle clear up. I say goodbye to the men of Black Watch. Hop on my horse, try to make my way back to Gen. Maude's main force. Through the dark of night and sea of sand I ride. As I go over the battle I just seen, in my head. The wind hits me in the face. From time to time. Giving me some peace of mind, as I try and stay focused in the saddle...I still feel sad that Pvt. Melvin will be killed in his next battle. He reminds me of RAMBO...
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:43 am

--------Battle of Istabulat/ Tournament-----
---------Part V: Sam. Off.-----
--------1/3.....................21 Player Tournament-----
----------Wayward Day's Diary: April 21st,1917-----

---------------The Battle of Istabulat was a clash of blood in the sand. As the British Empire trys to push the Ottoman Empire out of the Middle East once and for all. Part of The Samarrah Offensive,a plan of General Frederick Stanley Maude. A British force of 45,000 would try and take a rail yard at Samarrah, which supplied and could reinforce the Turkish army of Khalil Pasha, which stood at 10,000 men. As Khalil was preparing to strike at the British, with help from Ali Ishan Bey's 15,000 troops , who just had been beaten by the Russians. As the rush to meet Khalil's 10,000 men. Gen. Maude was able to cut of Bey's troops and push them back. Take the railyard from Khalil, stopping the Ottoman Empire's hopes in retaking Baghdad and the rest of the region, once and for all. A slam the door ,British Victory.

Round 1)(Like Bridge over the river Kwai,madness)
21 players start and 14 move on.Maps:Madness,Orient Express 1883,Transsibi 1914:3,1-vs-1 games on each map:Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(Black Watch Units join the battle)
14 players start and 7 move on,Scores Reset,Maps:Scotland,Wales,England:3,7 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(Khalil Pasha holds down the fort)
7 players start,Scores Reset,Maps:Trench Warfare,WWI Ottoman Empire:5,7 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:49 am

------Battle of The Boot/ Storyline----
-------Part VI: Sam. Off.-------
---------April 30th,1917----

-------------Well I Wayward Day find myself back with Gen.Maude's army group. After spending a great deal of time with the famed Black Watch forces. I am back traveling with Gen. Maude's forces, with the command unit. We have traveled near, but not on the Tigris river for a few days. As Gen. Maude's forces have left Baghdad and have pulled closer to the Ottoman forces. Gen. Maude hopes to drive the Ottomans out of the area, once and for all. Our troops find themselves at the tail end of The Samarrah Offensive.
------Even though there are clear blue skies above us. Now and then, small gusts of wind kick up sand in our faces. As I enter the war tent. Gen. Maude seems a beaten man. Even though our forces seem poised in ejecting the Ottomans from Mesopotamia. The General just can get away from his objective of stopping Ali Ishan Bey and his troops from joining Khalil Pasha's 6th army. Time and time again, Gen. Maude tries to stop Ishan only to fail.
------Well as he draws up battle plans. He has sent General William Marshall with 2 infantry brigades fresh from their encounter against Ishan's forces, as they helped rescue trapped British cavalry at Shiala. Also Gen. Marshall hopes to get Ishan's forces to leave their refuge in the Jebel Hamrin Mountains. Come out and attack Marshall's forces in the open. Gen. Maude has also sent a 3rd infantry brigade to add to Gen. Marshall's 2. As Ishan sees Gen. Marshall's 2 infantry brigades, as a 3rd joins, Ishan has lost the element of surprise attack. As the 3rd brigade to join Marshall's forces. Had spotted some of Ishan's scout units. Alerting Marshall to there where abouts.
------Meanwhile reports of Ishan's troop movements have shown, they have pulled away from attack positions, against Marshall's Infantry Brigades. On the battle map, thanks to The Royal Air Force. We can see that Ishan's forces have pulled back to join some trench works. He had already had set up. To a bunch of foothills spanning the Tigris river at Band-I-Adhaim. The boot shaped peninsula of high ground is how the battle gets it name today.
------As messengers ride in with news of the battle of the boot. Gen. Marshall's troops were making very big gains. Even though Gen. Marshall had begun the attack by throwing his entire force at the Turkish positions. With in a short time , British troops, in hard hand to hand fighting managed to take 300 Turkish prisoners and 2 lines of enemy trenches. But doom would soon over take the British. As the desert seem to ally itself with the Turks this day.
------An onset of a massive sandstorm quickly brought an end to British operation to an abrupt halt. On the Ottoman side, Ishan took the sandstorm as a chance to pull together reserve forces.Towards his center battle line, in preparation for a quick and decisive counter attack. That caught the British by surprise. Marshall's troops were pushed back to their starting point, as Ishan's troops took 350 British troops prisoner.
------By the afternoon the sandstorm had fully cleared up. But it was too late, with blistering temperature and tired troops. Ensured that Marshall could not chase Ishan's retreating forces , as they head back towards the mountains. Gen. Maude's troops failed once again to capture or destroy Ishan's troops. Gen. Maude let everyone know in the war tent. That the Samarrah Offensive was over. Having secured the dams from the Turks, so they couldn't flood the the surrounding area. Khalil's 6th army was driven north. The railyard at Samarrah was taken,the Turks couldn't send more troops or supplies to help. The only thing Gen. Maude failed to do. Was stop Ali Ishan Bey's 15,000 troops. The General has decided to stop attacks until the Fall. All in all a British Victory.
------However, the Battle of the Boot ends the offensive. With one that cost the British forces over 18,000 casualties. Another 38,000 men would become ill. Soon the General finishes his closing statements, then leaves, not a smile on his face, but a look of disappointment.
------I leave the war tent a short time after. Night has over taken the sky. I can see a shooting star flying by the Moon. It seems a peace up there, away from the Earth, ablaze with the winds of war. I think of what tomorrow will I make a little wish on that shooting star...
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:49 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:55 am

---------Battle of The Boot/ Tournament-----
---------Part VI: Sam. Off.-------
---------1/3................16 Player Tournament-----
----------Wayward Day's Diary: April 30th,1917-----

----------Gen. F.S.Maude head of British forces in Mesopotamia. Made one more attempt to stop or destroy Ali Ishan Bey's troops in the area. Gen. Maude failed once again at the Battle of the Boot. A land formation of foothills in the shape of a boot, that gave the battle it's name. Although the Ottomans won this battle,then went back to the mountains,It could be called a British victory. Gen. Maude stopped his Samarrah Offensive. He used the time to regroup until the Fall.

Round 1)(A Battle of Peninsulas)
16 players start and 10 move on.Maps:Ancient Greece,Balkan Peninsula,Tribal Warfare:Florida:3,1-vs-1 games on each map:POLY(3),Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 2)(A Battle of Boots)
10 players start and 6 move on,Scores Reset.Maps:Italy,Unification Italy,Imperium Romanum:3,5 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.

Round 3)(End of Offensives and Railways)
6 players start,Scores Reset,Maps:Battle for Iraq!,Promontary Summit:5,6 player games on each map:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,20 Rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:23 am

I went ahead and updated Duk's list of which battles still need to be written up into tournaments for this series. We've had 14 tournaments launch in the 10 weeks since Duk posted this list.

Dukasaur wrote:Okay:
outstanding battles of 1916
Montenegro Jan 5th written by DK, launched Nov 5
Mojkovac Jan 6th written by DK, launched Nov 6
Koprukoy Jan 10th written by DK, launched Nov 9
Fromelles July 19th written by DK, launched Nov 8
Maghdaba, December 14th written by DK, launched Dec 16
Second Kut, Dec. 15th written by DK, launched Dec 15
Opening 1917
the small but exciting Battle of Khadairi Bend, January 9th, 1917 written by DK, launched TBA
Battle of Nahr-al-Kalek, February 26th, 1917 written by CSS, launched TBA
Fall of Baghdad, March 11th, 1917 written by CSS, launched TBA
Samarrah, March 13th written by CSS, launched TBA
Fallujah, March 19th written by CSS, launched TBA
Jebel Hamrin, March 25 written by CSS, launched TBA
First Gaza, March 26h requested by CSS
Vimy Ridge April 9th
Battle of Shiala April 11th written by CSS, launched TBA
Second Battle of the Aisne April 16th
Second Gaza April 17th requested by CSS
Istabulat April 21st written by CSS, launched TBA
Doiran April 22nd requested by CSS
Battle of the Boot April 30th written by CSS, launched TBA
10th Isonzo May 12th
Otranto Straits May 14th
Battle of Messines
Third Ypres July 31st
Passchendaele July 31st written by CSS, launched Nov 18
11th Isonzo August 19th
Ramadi 28 Sept
12th Isonzo (Caporetto) Oct 24th
Third Battle of Gaza (Beersheba)31st October
Capture of Tikrit November 5th
Battle of Mughar Ridge November 13th
Cambrai November 20th
Fall of Jerusalem Dec. 8th
Start of 1918
Raid on Zeebrugge April 23rd, 1918
Third Battle of the Aisne May 27th
Battle of Cantigny May 28
Chateau-Thierry June 3rd
Belleau Wood June th
Battle of the Piave River June 15
Le Hamel July 4th
Second Battle of the Marne July 15
Battle of Havrincourt Sep 12th
Battle of Epehy Sep 18th
Vittorio Veneto October 23
Battle of Sharqat October 29
The Armstice November 11th 1918

Now, the above is not a complete list. I've copied it mainly from firstworldwar dot com, which is a very Anglocentric site and doesn't do a very good job of covering the Russian and Balkan fronts. I'll have to go to some other sites to fill in some of the missing Russian and Balkan battles. We also have gigi_b's Romanian campaign, plus I was going to write some tourneys based on technologies (like the tank and the submarine). We also somewhere along the way missed the conclusion of the Kamerun campaing and a few other things. So, all in all, we have something between 50 and 60 tournaments to go.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:57 am

------------I'll finish typing the ones I have done by the end of today.....I'll have 1st Gaza, 2nd Gaza, and Doiran...Finished and typed in by the end of The week... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D ......What you asked me Teach....Sounds good... 8-) ....Thank You Kindly... 8-)...Yes ,I know where Doiran is but I worked it in...........After 1st,2nd Gaza,Doiran...I'll wait a week...then do Battles of 1917...Ramadi,3rd Gaza,Tikrit,Mughar Ridge,and The fall of Jerusalem...The Desert Battles of 1917...:).........If others can hit the battles I haven't listed,Kool...If not I'll see when I get there...THE GOOD NEWS IS WE HAVE OVER 3 MONTHS UNTIL APRIL 23RD 1918....Battle of Zeebrugge....RIGHT ON TRACK TO GET THINGS BACK IN ORDER FOR THE FINISH LINE DUK.....:):)...:)
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Re: The Great War

Postby morleyjoe on Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:20 am

Great to see the List kept updated - thanks LLT. And thanks CSS for your on going great work! And Duk, if you are writing some tourneys based on technologies, I think that the Battle of Flers-Courcelette would have covered off the tank from that list.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:43 am

morleyjoe wrote:Great to see the List kept updated - thanks LLT. And thanks CSS for your on going great work! And Duk, if you are writing some tourneys based on technologies, I think that the Battle of Flers-Courcelette would have covered off the tank from that list.

It mentioned the launch of the tank, but I already had such a nice tournament for the Birth of the Tank sketched out in my mind....:)
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