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Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:50 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
Money Growth, Money Velocity, and Inflation

Low, stable inflation optimizes economic growth.

Inflation results when aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply.

Aggregate demand is influenced both by the supply of money and the velocity of money.

The classical theory of inflation states that money growth causes inflation.

Inflation depends on money growth and the velocity of money.

The velocity of money equals the average number of times an average dollar is used to buy goods and services per unit of time.

I find it interesting you haven't once brought up tarrifs and the trade war with China as a fundamental source of our recent inflation pressure. yet you've listed 'stoopid dems and joe biden' and 'gov't spending'. The supply of money certainly has an impact, as does the inelasticity of our supply chain. But maybe you need to dig a little deeper in your research. People talk alot about the 'causes' of inflation, but lets not forget the definition itself is 'prices go up'. We still buy almost everything from China except for our food, and virtually all of those good are still being 'tarrifed' at 25% or higher which one way or the other means massive inflationary pressure. I guess since the media doesn't talk about tarrifs and the trade war anymore people have forgotten? For a while companies were able to absorb those costs and not directly pass them on to the consumer, but the supply chain disruptions due to covid and rising transport costs means there is no more room for companies to absorb it and consumer prices rise. Congrats republicans, you've stoped the globalist agenda but now you are paying more for things... time to ignore what you've spent four years doing and blame newly elected democrats!

As I understand things, President Trump imposed tariffs on some imports from China for various reasons. I will not delve into that, unless you want to discuss the reasons and rationale for imposing tariffs.

Some or most of those tariffs have been around some 1-2 years before President Biden took office, so to blame our current round of inflation on tariffs is a rather weak argument.

Of course the basic definition of inflation is rising prices. There is no need to debate or even discuss the fact that prices are going up: food, fuel, and much more. The REAL question is the cause(s) of inflation. If you look at the discussion present by Duk, HitRed, and me, you will see that those causes have been a major part of the discussion and tariffs has not appeared as a cause. I think too that the data presented (via links) that HitRed cites on M2 money supply and the velocity of money are important measures of the current rate of inflation. The graph of M2 is quite cogent; you should look at that. I think I tried to copy and paste it in this thread, but was not successful.

Do you want to offer any evidence to support your conjecture? Yes, much of our manufactured goods are from China, but the US has also shifted more imports from other countries to lessen our dependence on one country. I have looked at import numbers and have seen such a shift, but those numbers are not that critical to me; I cannot cite them without looking them up again. As I recall too, tariffs were initially imposed on specific commodities, such as steel, where the US and Trump accused China of "dumping" into the world market. I also know that Trump used tariffs as a "bargaining chip" in trade talks with China and were not intended to be a permanent part of US policy on imports. I have not kept up with the role of tariffs as that issue has not gotten much attention in the past 3 years or so. I do not think inflation was an issue back then. I do not see any real correlation of inflation to tariffs, so I will await your analysis and data, Mookie.

Further, one has to appreciate the magnitude of the COVID shut down on the economy and the MASSIVE disruption wrought on the Economy due to this massive government intervention. The response has had major repercussions, too. ALL those factors, fewer goods and services available as workers were not allowed to work and produce and PAYING many people to sit at home doing nothing is a major disruption, OBVIOUSLY. Now many work from home, a disruption. Now many who do not and cannot work from home want to do so and want a new job AND/OR they have retired. Fewer workers and another disruption.

As I predicted about one month ago, we will continue to hear about disruptions to the "SUPPLY CHAIN" for months. All these factors that I cited here have led to this. Of course there is pent-up demand, and yes, there was less order made. And NOW, we want our "plastic trinkets" (and other goods) from China (and other parts of Asia) in record amounts for Christmas.

Understand my basic premise: The Federal Government is basically printing money and giving it away (result: INCREASE of DEMAND) while discouraging work (and its result: less SUPPLY). Result: inflation. QED

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:37 am

Speaking of "stooopid Democrats, try this:

But with the soon-to-be U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), she actually said what she is now being quoted as saying. In fact, she went to YouTube Sunday and made a video with the radical leftist group Justice Democrats urging her fellow socialists (she is a member of the Democratic Socialists for America) and radicals to begin working now for the 2020 election contests.

In the video (below), Ocasio-Cortez said that electoral success will not come easily, but we need to “make sure we take back all three chambers of Congress — rather all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate and the House in 2020, we can’t start working in 2020.”


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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:30 pm

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby HitRed on Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:19 am

I think there should be a distinction between inflation and inflated.

Inflation “is anywhere and everywhere a monetary phenomenon” - Friedman
See M2

Inflated being scarce due to issues with: supply, demand. This might be caused by manufacturing issues, supply chains or laws and regulations.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Nov 21, 2021 7:49 am

I will concede that TARIFFS may have caused a SMALL amount of the inflation, but these articles that I have scanned and posted here did NOT even mention tariffs as a factor in the current US inflation.
Aug 18, 2021,04:07pm EDT|36,920 views
Inflation Surge To Continue: Here Are 3 Reasons Why

Supply Chain Constraints: The Catalyst Behind Rising PPI

Many companies are having difficulty finding the raw materials and labor necessary to manufacture their products. With fewer products being made, inventories are low, especially for a non-recessionary period. This reduction in supply, coupled with increased consumer demand, are major catalysts for the recent spike in inflation. But there is another significant cause, namely government spending.

Government Spending: Stimulus, Pork, or Catalyst for Inflation?

When the federal government passed the CARES Act in March 2020, there was a strong justification for doing so. For without it, the U.S. would have faced a very dark economic period, some even say a depression. Regardless, federal spending has created the largest government deficit in U.S. history. The following chart tells the story. In the most recent fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, the U.S. had a $3.129 trillion budget shortfall, more than twice the $1.4 trillion deficit during the 2008 financial crisis.

Here is the linked Chart mentioned JUST above.

President Trump has advocated for greater trade protectionism and imposed a series of tariffs on China, Mexico, Canada, the European Union, and other trading partners. His administration justified these policies on three grounds: that they would benefit American workers, especially in manufacturing; that they would give the United States leverage to renegotiate trade agreements with other countries; and that they were necessary to protect American national security. Judged by these three metrics, how successful were Trump’s tariffs? And what’s at stake in this election for the future of American trade policy?

A good primer follows; it does not mention tariffs
What causes inflation?
Inflation can be caused by multiple factors with demand-pull and cost-push inflation among the most common. However, the causes of inflation in 2021 are a bit more complex and have been caused in part because of the government's response to the pandemic, in addition to sudden increases in demand as coronavirus lockdown restrictions faded and as labor shortages occurred across the country.

Here are the major causes of inflation:

3. Increased money supply
Increased money supply is defined as the total amount of money in circulation, which includes cash, coins, and balances and bank accounts according to the
Federal Reserve
. If the money supply increases faster than the rate of production, this could result in inflation, particularly demand-pull inflation because there will be too many dollars chasing too few products. An increase in money supply is usually created by the Federal Reserve through a process called Open Market Operations (OMO).

from Mookie's #1 reference:
WASHINGTON—Economists and policy makers are debating whether stimulus spending and easy monetary policy are fueling inflation. Many businesses say there is another culprit that should share the blame: import tariffs.

The Trump administration implemented tariffs on products including lumber, steel and semiconductors to shield American companies from a glut of cheap imported products from China and other countries.

and from Mookie's wikipedia article

Between the time Trump took office in 2017 through March 2019, the U.S.'s trade deficit grew by $119 billion, reaching $621 billion, the highest it had been since 2008.[204] As of January 2020, the Trump administration had imposed tariffs on 16.8% of all goods imported into the U.S. (measured as a share of the value of all U.S. imports in 2017).[205] The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published its estimate of the U.S. economic impact from Trump's trade policies:

In CBO's estimation, the trade barriers put in place by the United States and its trading partners between January 2018 and January 2020 would reduce real GDP over the projection period. The effects of those barriers on trade flows, prices, and output are projected to peak during the first half of 2020 and then begin to subside. Tariffs are expected to reduce the level of real GDP by roughly 0.5 percent and raise consumer prices by 0.5 percent in 2020. As a result, tariffs are also projected to reduce average real household income by $1,277 (in 2019 dollars) in 2020. CBO expects the effect of trade barriers on output and prices to diminish over time as businesses continue to adjust their supply chains in response to the changes in the international trading environment.[205]

The annual inflation rate for the United States is 6.2% for the 12 months ended October 2021 — the highest since November 1990 and after rising 5.4% previously, ...

As I said above, the impact of tariffs on inflation is MINOR compared to Government policies implemented to deal with COVID. Tariffs imposed in 2018 had little impact on the US Economy and there was very little inflation as a result 2019-2020. Note the above quote from the CBO, the Congressional Business Office.

Using one of the articles that Mookie cited, inflation of some 0.5% may be attributed to tariffs. THUS my statement
I do not see any real correlation of inflation to tariffs, so I will await your analysis and data, Mookie.

is basically still true. I do not see 0.5% inflation as a REAL (and I should add, SIGNFICANT) correlation compared to the 6% inflation we now have and will likely have due to disruptions of the ENTIRE economy due to COVID supply chain disruptions, Government policies and DEFICIT spending.

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby mookiemcgee on Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:25 pm

So now your premise is we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic. Republicans should have accepted a recession during their time holding the presidency and control of the senate in order to control inflation and all the spending bills they passed due to the pandemic are... stupid Joe Biden and the democrats fault. Sure man, that is super cogent.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:59 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:So now your premise is we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic. Republicans should have accepted a recession during their time holding the presidency and control of the senate in order to control inflation and all the spending bills they passed due to the pandemic are... stupid Joe Biden and the democrats fault. Sure man, that is super cogent.

I never said "we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic." Why are you trying to pull a fast one?

Is it because I used YOUR source to point out the Fallacy and weakness about your argument about Tariffs and Inflation? Good Try, but you FAILED badly there Mookie.

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:18 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:So now your premise is we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic. Republicans should have accepted a recession during their time holding the presidency and control of the senate in order to control inflation and all the spending bills they passed due to the pandemic are... stupid Joe Biden and the democrats fault. Sure man, that is super cogent.

I never said "we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic." Why are you trying to pull a fast one?

Is it because I used YOUR source to point out the Fallacy and weakness about your argument about Tariffs and Inflation? Good Try, but you FAILED badly there Mookie.

I did not fail badly, you yourself confirmed the obvious and logical connection. It is a piece of what is going on, and it's a piece that is directly connected to the supply chain issues that have been building since 2018 and exasperated by the epidemic. You keep blaming democrats for problems created by the previous administration that are finally coming home to roost. Even Hitred has been banging the inflation/end is near drum since long before the most recent administration came to office less than a year ago. What is your actual position on actual bills passed over the last 4 years and their connection to inflation? Are you saying the infrastructure bill that passed just a few days ago is the source of the inflation? Do you thing the 'trump tax bill' was deflationary? Are you saying a bill (BBB) that isn't even law yet is the cause? Are you blaming quantitative easing on the democrats (which has been going on since 08/09, though both parties rule)? You have listed previously a bunch of articles about how 'planed future bill' might make things worse, or about the current president playing things down (which is kinda of his job) but you've literally done nothing to address why we are where we are you are just bemoaning what might be and blaming everything on a party that wasn't in power.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby saxitoxin on Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:57 pm

Thanksbiden is most expensive holiday in American history due to inflation!


The one thing that's not going up is Biden's approval rating! =D> =D> =D> :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby saxitoxin on Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:59 pm

Biden is on the verge of surrendering and throwing in the towel. Today he appointed President Trump's hand-picked Federal Reserve chairman to an additional 14-year term. ... ation.html

I won't complain when His Fraudulency implements President Trump's economic policies.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:32 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:So now your premise is we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic. Republicans should have accepted a recession during their time holding the presidency and control of the senate in order to control inflation and all the spending bills they passed due to the pandemic are... stupid Joe Biden and the democrats fault. Sure man, that is super cogent.

I never said "we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic." Why are you trying to pull a fast one?

Is it because I used YOUR source to point out the Fallacy and weakness about your argument about Tariffs and Inflation? Good Try, but you FAILED badly there Mookie.

I did not fail badly, you yourself confirmed the obvious and logical connection. It is a piece of what is going on, and it's a piece that is directly connected to the supply chain issues that have been building since 2018 and exasperated by the epidemic. You keep blaming democrats for problems created by the previous administration that are finally coming home to roost. Even Hitred has been banging the inflation/end is near drum since long before the most recent administration came to office less than a year ago. What is your actual position on actual bills passed over the last 4 years and their connection to inflation? Are you saying the infrastructure bill that passed just a few days ago is the source of the inflation? Do you thing the 'trump tax bill' was deflationary? Are you saying a bill (BBB) that isn't even law yet is the cause? Are you blaming quantitative easing on the democrats (which has been going on since 08/09, though both parties rule)? You have listed previously a bunch of articles about how 'planed future bill' might make things worse, or about the current president playing things down (which is kinda of his job) but you've literally done nothing to address why we are where we are you are just bemoaning what might be and blaming everything on a party that wasn't in power.

I have already answered those questions about the cause of inflation.

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby HitRed on Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:37 pm

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:24 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:So now your premise is we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic. Republicans should have accepted a recession during their time holding the presidency and control of the senate in order to control inflation and all the spending bills they passed due to the pandemic are... stupid Joe Biden and the democrats fault. Sure man, that is super cogent.

I never said "we should not have had an increase in gov't spending during the pandemic." Why are you trying to pull a fast one?

Is it because I used YOUR source to point out the Fallacy and weakness about your argument about Tariffs and Inflation? Good Try, but you FAILED badly there Mookie.

I did not fail badly, you yourself confirmed the obvious and logical connection. It is a piece of what is going on, and it's a piece that is directly connected to the supply chain issues that have been building since 2018 and exasperated by the epidemic. You keep blaming democrats for problems created by the previous administration that are finally coming home to roost. Even Hitred has been banging the inflation/end is near drum since long before the most recent administration came to office less than a year ago. What is your actual position on actual bills passed over the last 4 years and their connection to inflation? Are you saying the infrastructure bill that passed just a few days ago is the source of the inflation? Do you thing the 'trump tax bill' was deflationary? Are you saying a bill (BBB) that isn't even law yet is the cause? Are you blaming quantitative easing on the democrats (which has been going on since 08/09, though both parties rule)? You have listed previously a bunch of articles about how 'planed future bill' might make things worse, or about the current president playing things down (which is kinda of his job) but you've literally done nothing to address why we are where we are you are just bemoaning what might be and blaming everything on a party that wasn't in power.

I have already answered those questions about the cause of inflation.

IMO, you have not. Here again is what you said

jusplay4fun wrote:More demand (a) while a constant or even declining supply (b) = inflation.

(a) (more "FREE" money from the government for those who "qualify")

(b) (ever hear of "supply chain" issues? that will be in the News for the next 6-15 months, in some form, imo)

More money chasing fewer goods and services = inflation.

AND then (in the USA, and elsewhere, most likely) the government PAYS people NOT to work to produce those needed Goods and Services. INFLATION.

Thanks, stooopid liberal Democrats. Take a course in and remember basic economics; maybe learning this by owning and running a business will help. This is what happens when some elect bartenders to Congress.

THANKS, Joe Biden.

You then went on to opine about bills that aren't even law yet. Welcome to Schoolhouse Rock, bills change, generally alot, before and if they are passed. None of this sausage making contributes to todays inflation rate.

You then went on to tell Duk about your in depth economic understanding.

You then listed again that inflation is going up.

So take some time and state your actual position. You took the easy way out early in this thread saying 'stoopid dems and joe biden'. Now it's time to go through the causes of inflation and then do whatever mental gymnastics you can to blame them on the dems.

Did starting a trade war with many countries add inflationary or deflationary pressure on the USD? Did it affect our GDP, and what is that effect on inflation? ... 060ca565bd

Is quantitative easing a 'crazy leftist democratic' policy, and if it is why did Trump repeatedly demand the Fed increase it while he was in power? ... SKBN1YL1TI
“Would be sooo great if the Fed would further lower interest rates and quantitative ease. The Dollar is very strong against other currencies and there is almost no inflation. This is the time to do it. Exports would zoom!” Trump wrote in a post on Twitter.

Did the supply chain breakdown start before or after the pandemic started? ... pply-chain

Did the trump tax bill (aka fiscal stimulous bill) increase or decrease inflationary pressure? ... arket.html
" The Congressional Budget Office estimated the tax bill will increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next decade and by $136 billion in fiscal 2018.
Some are concerned that adding fiscal stimulus at this late stage of the economy cycle with a jobs markets at or near full employment will spur a rise in inflation."

Are bills passed by Republicans, and signed into law by Donald Trump the fault of democrats?
Stimulus and Relief Package 1 - $8.3 billion
Stimulus and Relief Package 2 - $3.4 trillion
Stimulus and Relief Package 3 :The CARES Act - $2 trillion
Stimulus and Relief Package 3.5 - $484 billion
Stimulus and Relief Package 4 - $900 billion
"The president signed the bill on Dec. 27, 2020, but urged Congress to increase the direct stimulus payments from $600 to $2,000."

but inflation and gov't overspending is all the fault of stoopid Joe Biden, because he and a split house/senate passed this one after Trump left office:
Stimulus and Relief Package 5: The American Rescue Plan - $1.9 trillion.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby riskllama on Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:35 pm

didn't he also mention rocket scientists? perhaps it was another thread...stay cogers, mook.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby HitRed on Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:06 pm

Obama, Trump and Biden vs. M2


Biden takes the Oath of Office

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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:30 pm

HitRed wrote:
Biden's takes the oath of office

That's really interesting HitRed... so you are saying Biden took office in Jan 2020? I could have sworn he took office in Jan 2021
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby HitRed on Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:47 pm

Obama, Trump and Biden vs. M2


Biden takes the Oath of Office


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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:32 pm

Looks like the trend line before and after that date has almost exactly the same slope.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby JdeV 100 on Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:45 pm

GovIMENTs normally earmark spending for the real GDP wherever they can exercise oversight eg medicine and vital supplies and infrastructure; jobs in education and policing. QE and just pumping it into stocks means the money goes missing. What I think. I haven't really read the thread, I will if what I said was controversial. I didn't spend money on eg Etsy because I got distracted by political chat in CC, so that is good for my economy. :)
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:47 pm

JdeV 100 wrote:Govs normally earmark spending for the real GDP wherever they can exercise oversight eg medicine and vital supplies and infrastructure; jobs in education and policing.

I originally read this as goys.

(Though I guess either is true.)
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby JdeV 100 on Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:48 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
JdeV 100 wrote:Govs normally earmark spending for the real GDP wherever they can exercise oversight eg medicine and vital supplies and infrastructure; jobs in education and policing.

I originally read this as goys. I hope Ram didn't make the same mistake.

Thanks, now I need to read the thread.
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Re: Why inflation may be worse than you think it is

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:50 pm

JdeV 100 wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
JdeV 100 wrote:Govs normally earmark spending for the real GDP wherever they can exercise oversight eg medicine and vital supplies and infrastructure; jobs in education and policing.

I originally read this as goys. I hope Ram didn't make the same mistake.

Thanks, now I need to read the thread.


The biggest and toughest goy on Conquer Club's name is Ralf.
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