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Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:10 am
by morleyjoe
So the final group is done fundraising!

I will continue with my goal of being re-elected and be once again representing the Republicans while sjemba moves forward with the Democrats. Ratrin will be the last to join the Independent candidates. Thanks to slats789 for your effort, but you are now out of the running for office.

The next round will begin soon (RL slowing me down a litte) with Primary Elections Stage, where candidates within each party will play 3 games 1v1 against the other players in the party, on 3 randomly chosen maps from the list of Election Issues in the main post.

For the Democratic Party, the potential candidates are (with fundraising dollars listed, in the millions of course):

william tennant $8
Silly Knig-it $8
molespe $6
sjemba $6
GreenBaize $5
blacky365 $4

For the Republicans:

CaronylKluster $7
Tin Trumpet $6
scottp $6
swtpimp $6
morleyjoe $5
CatchersMitt14 $4

For the Independents:

ziggy62 $5
Ratrin $4
thetiger $4
goldenwarrior $3
harvmax $3
Texan Psycho $3

In this next stage, the player with the most wins in the Democratic and Republican party is the Presidential candidate and may choose their VP from the other players in their party primary group. If there is a tie, the player with most wins in the the Fundraising stage is the Presidential candidate and the other player is VP by default.

Important to remember, if you are an Independent, this is where one of you really needs to show you belong in this race. If the Independent candidate’s total wins from both the Primary and Fundraising stages are higher (not tied) than that of both (not just one) of the Democrat and Republican candidates, all 3 parties will play in the General Elections; otherwise, only the Democrats & Republicans will continue.

Games will come out in small batches over the next few weeks or month.

Good luck to all!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:34 pm
by morleyjoe
I've set up all the match ups and the random generated maps for the Primary Election Stage. Now I just have to create and send out the games....135 in total. To view the spreadsheet, go to the 4th post on 1st page of this topic. Will try to get as many out as I can soon...going on vacation this coming week, so will be a little tough to promise.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:15 am
by Mad777
This tournament is still active with ongoing games.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:37 am
by morleyjoe
One last game still active in this first portion of the round. Once I see that one is wrapped up, I'll tabulate the scores and get some more games out.

Sadly, I think the current President is on his way out...I think I was 0-5 that round...need a nice 10-0 for a shot at re-election...could use some help ;)

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 7:30 pm
by morleyjoe
First series of games are done in the Primary Election Stage.

For the Democrats, molespe and blacky365 are tied for the lead, although molespe does hold the edge based on his fundraising round.

For the Republicans, swt pimp had a perfect round and sits alone in front. And the current president morleyjoe has a real hole to dig out of, siting in last place all by himself...

ziggy62 sits ahead for the Independents, but would not have enough at this time to make it a three way race for president, but that can change!

More games to come! No further updates though, until end of the round.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 8:00 pm
by morleyjoe
MyTurnToWin replaces Texan Psycho as a current independent candidate, as 3 consecutive invites were missed.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:16 pm
by morleyjoe
We are nearing the 2/3 mark of the Primary Election stage, with only one last game wrapping up in the next day or two (I've awarded the win in the second page of the spreadsheet).

For the Democratic Party, it is wide open at the moment - GreenBaize is slightly ahead with a 7-3 record, with molspe right behind at 6-4. sjemba and blacky365 are tied with a 5-5 record, and the fundraising leaders of Silly Knig-it and william tennant are trailing at 4-6 and 3-7 respectively. But with 5 games left, anyone can win this nomination.

For the Republicans, swt pimp is nearly home free with the nomination, sitting at 9-1. The nearest rivals are Tin Trumpet and scottp, each at 5-5. CaronylKluster is still in it technically at 4-6 but needs to win all 5 remaining games with swt pimp going 0-5. The reigning president, morleyjoe, is officially out of the race, because even if going 5-0 with swt pimp going 0-5 would not be enough to win the tie-breaker. Likewise, CathcersMitt14 at 3-7 is still playing, but unable to secure the presidential office. But for those not in the running, keep in mind, the winner still will have to pick a running mate to play in the final round. So no one is out yet!

For the Independents, it is very interesting - two or three of the contenders are actually in reach of making this a three way race in the final round. Ziggy62 did a great 9-1 run, with Ratrin and MyTurnToWin making this interesting as well. Just need to keep in mind, an Independent candidate will need to finish ahead of the other parties in both Primary votes and Fundraising to add a third team to the run for the oval office.

Last set of Primary round games will come out in next few days with games following in groups afterwards.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:55 pm
by morleyjoe
The last of the Primary Election Stage games have now been sent. This is the final push for the candidates, and a chance for possible vice president choices to shine! Good luck to all!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:06 am
by morleyjoe
Down to one last game, and then I will tabulate the final results to see who is running for President. I had a quick glance at the results, and this has an outside chance of being a three team race to the White House!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:54 am
by morleyjoe
We now have our Presidential Candidates! In an amazing run to the line, this is officially a 3 way race now, with the Independents gaining enough support to run for the White House.

GreenBaize had a solid finish to be atop of the Democratic Party candidates with a 11-4 run in primary stages.
swt pimp finished with a 12-3 showing taking the lead with the Republican Party candidates.
And with an amazing 14-1 run, ziggy62 made a three way battle out of the final run to the Oval Office.

So now the interesting part!

GreenBaize, swt pimp, and ziggy62 all must announce their choices for VP!

GreenBaize can choose from the following players:
william tennant
Silly Knig-it

swt pimp can choose from the following players:
Tin Trumpet
scottp (current VP)
morleyjoe (current President)

ziggy62 can choose from the following players:

Once the three VP candidates are chosen, the real battle begins!

Please post your choices in the thread!

Thanks to those who do not move forward from here. It was a great event with amazing attendance and speed of game play.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:53 pm
by morleyjoe
ziggy62 has chosen Ratrin to be his VP Candidate! Two more to go!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:25 pm
by GreenBaize
I choose Blacky365 :)

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:39 pm
by morleyjoe
swt pimp has chosen Tin TRUMPet

Final round games are coming very soon!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:31 pm
by CaronylKluster
Congrats Presidential candidates and the VPs - thanks for a fun tournament - too bad we have to wait another 4 years.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:21 am
by morleyjoe
First set sent!!!! Good luck to all!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:08 am
by morleyjoe
swt pimp and Tin Trumpet have taken an early lead. Now they get to choose settings this next round.

Currently it is Escalating/Chained/Foggy. Their call on next set.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:35 am
by morleyjoe
Second set is out. Settings stayed the same based on the current leaders choices.

GreenBaize (0)

swt pimp (52)
Tin Trumpet

ziggy62 (25)

See the third page on the spreadsheet link posted.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:15 am
by morleyjoe
Third set is out. Settings stayed the same based on the current leaders choices.

The early leaders have now pushed further ahead and have secured nearly 20% of the total votes at just past the 1/4 mark in total votes available. We could see a Trump(et) in the White House after all! But still lots of games to play.

GreenBaize (25)

swt pimp (102)
Tin Trumpet

ziggy62 (25)

See the third page on the spreadsheet link posted.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:42 am
by morleyjoe
Wow - swt pimp and Trump(et) are really pushing ahead This is still long from over, but GreenBaize and ziggy62 have to pull off a lot of state wins really soon.... some of the bigger states are coming up next week, time to get some wins guys!

GreenBaize (25)

swt pimp (176)
Tin Trumpet

ziggy62 (25)

See the third page on the spreadsheet link posted.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:22 pm
by morleyjoe
With the results of the 4th round in, it looks like we have a race finally! There is 188 electoral votes left, so still up for grabs! New games will go out soon!

GreenBaize (50)

swt pimp (176)
Tin Trumpet

ziggy62 (75)

See the third page on the spreadsheet link posted.

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:25 am
by morleyjoe
With the results of the 5th round in, it looks like the Democrats have a strong lead. Can someone pull off the biggest states now and stop swt pimp from becoming the next President of Conquer Club?

GreenBaize (100)

swt pimp (214)
Tin Trumpet

ziggy62 (75)

See the third page on the spreadsheet link posted. Final round coming very soon!

Final States include:

Route 66 (25)
USA West (20)
California (55)
Portland (20)
NYC (29)

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [ONGOING]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:52 am
by swt pimp
Great Tournament MorleyJoe! Thank you for putting it all together

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [Complete]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:20 pm
by morleyjoe
Although the polls have not yet closed in NYC, it is now official.

swt pimp is the new President of Conquer Club! With help of his vice President is Tin Trumpet, the Democrats have won a landslide election and swt pimp will serve for the next 4 years as President. And it is with hope that swt pimp in turn will pick up where this has left off in 3 1/2 years time to hold a new election.

swt pimp, the floor is yours...speech speech speech!

Re: Conquer Club 2016 US Presidential Elections [Complete]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:20 pm
by morleyjoe
Speech time....

My fellow Conquer Clubbers, this is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as your President. I am profoundly grateful to you for giving me the honor to serve and to work for you. And I'm grateful to Vice President scottp, who has served with me for the last four years. This has been a time of dramatic transformation, and you have risen to every new challenge.

I have steered my course by our enduring values: opportunity for all, responsibility from all, a community of all. Working together, Conquer Club has done well.

As for me, I'll leave the Presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived, and more confident than ever that Conquer Club's best days lie ahead.
My days in this office are nearly through, but my days of service, I hope, are not. In the years ahead, I will never hold a position higher or a covenant more sacred than that of President of Conquer Club.

Thank you. Bless you, and bless Conquer Club.
