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Islam Versus Nazism

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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby tzor on Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:37 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Two biggest problems with cryptocurrency:
1) they are a type of fiat currency;

Most modern currencies these days are fiat. The problem with fiat currency has nothing to do with fixed value and everything to do with fixed issue. Now there used to be two types of gold certificates allocated (non-fungible) or unallocated (fungible or pooled). "Unallocated gold certificates are a form of fractional-reserve banking and do not guarantee an equal exchange for metal in the event of a run on the issuing bank's gold on deposit." In other words you are allowed to print more certificates than you have gold backing those certificates.

Modern currencies are actually worse than fiat because they are virtual. Most of the currency isn't in bills here and there or sitting in a vault, but a number in some computer. (Some computer that is prone to hacking.) The money supply can expand drastically through financial transactions in the electronic system.

In principle, cryptocurrency is slowly growing currency (the supply is increased for every unit "mined" by the system). In theory this is supposed to be a good thing, although a real fixed currency is far better. The problem is that if the supply is really "fixed" or relatively fixed you will always see a "big bang" as demand explodes from zero to some number. That's what we are seeing at the moment; Bitcoin is acting like a penny stock in that it's value is simply based on how many people are trying to push the product on the market; artificial demand based on hype results in increased value.

The real value of cryptocurrency is the nature of the encryption. Consider your typical bank account. Hack into the super user and you have access to all the accounts under that system maintained by the super user. But with cryptocurrencies, there are no "super users." Hack into a user and all you have is one user.

So let's recap. Cryptocurrency is massively distributed, personally encrypted, data used for financial transactions. (As opposed to centrally distributed, system encrypted, data which is your bank account.) But that "data" doesn't have to be financial. The future of this technology will probably go beyond financial wealth and into all sorts of data that people want secure and secret; company secrets, personal data, and so forth.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby armati on Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:51 pm

..........Did Blockchain really deliver a breakthrough as
big as the invention of the airplane? Darned
close, in my opinion. Certainly as big of a deal as
the jet engine, if not the airplane itself. And by
the way, the breakthrough is not in any way
specific to cryptocurrencies. More on that later.
But hold on… Airlines don’t use Wright Flyers
today. In fact, there was never a compelling
reason to build more of them, save for replicas
built solely to honor the Flyer’s historical
significance. So why didn’t the Wright brothers
build more Flyers? Because it was only suitable
as a prototype. It didn’t even have a pilot seat;
the Wrights had to fly it whilst lying down on
their stomachs! Thankfully, the Wright’s were
smart enough to recognize that theirrevolutionary invention wasn’t ready for primetime.
They knew it needed to be refined and
further developed before it would have
practical value.

The same thing is true of Bitcoin’s Blockchain
DLP: it’s a beautiful prototype that made a
profound technology breakthrough, but it’s
not ready for prime time. Sadly, most people
in the cryptocurrency world haven’t figured
that out yet. I’ll substantiate that criticism
shortly, but let’s start by understanding just
why this DLP stuff is such a big deal to start

I think you could contribute to the 'Korelin economics' site, interviews and posters all about money, how to make it being the "prime directive".
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby armati on Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:11 pm

Saw the response to my post as "trying to equate slavery to being dependent on an outside source"

Wrong, your missing the point entirely,

What I said is that once we are 100% digital we have lost all privacy, I also said (and gave examples) that you cant do anything financial without someone elses oky doky. THAT, is slavery, as is debt slavery.

Please sir, may I spend my cash? please sir, how much may I spend? please sir, can I spend it over here?
Please sir, will you think for me?

If you guys want to see slavery to a toilet as slavery, go ahead.
Talk to Ralph, hes a good guy.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby waauw on Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:36 pm

armati wrote:..........Did Blockchain really deliver a breakthrough as
big as the invention of the airplane? Darned
close, in my opinion. Certainly as big of a deal as
the jet engine, if not the airplane itself. And by
the way, the breakthrough is not in any way
specific to cryptocurrencies. More on that later.
But hold on… Airlines don’t use Wright Flyers
today. In fact, there was never a compelling
reason to build more of them, save for replicas
built solely to honor the Flyer’s historical
significance. So why didn’t the Wright brothers
build more Flyers? Because it was only suitable
as a prototype. It didn’t even have a pilot seat;
the Wrights had to fly it whilst lying down on
their stomachs! Thankfully, the Wright’s were
smart enough to recognize that theirrevolutionary invention wasn’t ready for primetime.
They knew it needed to be refined and
further developed before it would have
practical value.

The same thing is true of Bitcoin’s Blockchain
DLP: it’s a beautiful prototype that made a
profound technology breakthrough, but it’s
not ready for prime time. Sadly, most people
in the cryptocurrency world haven’t figured
that out yet. I’ll substantiate that criticism
shortly, but let’s start by understanding just
why this DLP stuff is such a big deal to start

Am I supposed to read this as a rap-song? Why the short lines?
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby riskllama on Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:40 pm

confedss' literate canadian cousin, maybe.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby waauw on Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:02 pm

armati wrote:When we go 100% digital, you my friend, will not be able to withdraw save or spend or on what, without permission.
PERMISSION!!!........thats slavery.

No it's not. That's just the technical framework, something you can be protected from by legal framework. As long as the law protects you, you're fine.
Besides, slavery is defined as 'forced labour', not 'blackmail' nor 'thievery' which is what illegally blocking someone's funds is. Don't bastardize a word towards what it's not.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:19 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
armati wrote:lol. as I said, people argue the point.

Try it this way, example, you earn $1 a year, you owe more than that say $1.29 (give you a break and forget unfunded liabilities) how longs it take ya to pay it off?
remember, you owe interest to the people that give you the "digits" (central banks)

We are in a fractional reserve system, we pay interest on ALL created currency, when we create currency to pay any portion of debt off, we owe interest on it, we can never be out of debt.

The very last pce of privacy we have
We are spied upon constantly, our phones,pewters,TVs,cameras on the streets,cameras in stores,even our appliances are being made "smart" now.

When we go 100% digital, you my friend, will not be able to withdraw save or spend or on what, without permission.
PERMISSION!!!........thats slavery.

You can dress the pig up any way you want with this guy owes that guy and its all the same thing round and round all ya want, but when we go 100% digital, its slavery no matter how you look at it.

Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts Of Bitcoin Users | Zero ... ... bitcoin-us

The point here? They can do it, when ever they want.(Ever hear of the swift system?)

Cyprus Withdrawals Limited To 300 Euros Per Day; No Checks ... ... 65268.html

In this example the bank is telling people how much of their own cash they are allowed to have. ALLOWED to have. permission.

List is on and on, you dont even have access to your money ("digits") without permission.

To deny it is simply stup.....naive.

Im sure you dont give a darn,slavery is such an easy way to live and all, but if a person wanted to oppose it, they would use cash for everything they could.

They would take all their expenses in cash from the bank and pay cash.
obviously,rent,heat,light,taxes etc would stay automatic payments, Im talking about gas,food,bus tickets,cigarettes,movies,restraunts etc etc

They would only do business with companies that use cash.

But, most people dont like to think, thinking is hard, so they will prefer slavery.
Its so much easier to have other people think for us.

And whats really funny, they wont even know they are slaves.

The "owners" George Carlin told people about, have mastered the art of ownership. lol

You're trying to redefine slavery as "being dependant on outside services."

By that token, you are a slave to the sanitation department. You should go out in the back yard and bury your own shit instead of being dependent on the city to take it away. Who knows when some rogue mayor will decide to flex his muscles and make your pipes back up?

You are a slave to the hydro company. If you want to be free, you should build a windmill and make your own electricity.

You are a slave to the internet companies. You should train pigeons to bring your messages to us.

Using the services of the banks to make our life more convenient is no more a form of slavery than those other examples I've given. I go through the drive-through, I grab my coffee, I pass my card over the chip-reader. It's faster and more efficient than counting change. Not much faster and more efficient, might only save 5 seconds on each stop, but 5 seconds here and 5 seconds there really adds up over the course of a lifetime. Yeah, they can track my transactions, but what will they learn that they couldn't learn through other means?

800 years ago, only the very rich had bedrooms. The poor lived in the common hall of their lord's manor, fucked their wives and beat their kids in full view of all their neighbours, and everybody knew everybody else's business. Even 50 years ago, there was one TV in the house, the kids had to watch what their parents were watching or go fly a kite. Today every kid has their own little tablet, their parents and their neighbours haven't got a clue what they're watching. The internet company and the NSA might, but they don't give a shit. As long as you're not planning on blowing up the White House, nobody gives a shit that you're jerking off while reading Oedipus Rex.

What privacies we have lost have had no pushback because they're so convenient. I buy Piller's pepperettes, I swipe my grocery store's loyalty card. Over time, they figure out I prefer Piller's and they send me coupons for $1 Off more Piller's products. The benefit is all mine. You say I'm a slave, I say I just saved a dollar. You say I'm giving up free information about myself and I say, if someone out there gets a woody about finding out that I prefer Piller's, let him! There's no tangible loss to me. Schneider's may be bumming, but Schneider's deserves to be bumming. Their prices go up and their quality goes down, and all their propaganda about what a traditional mom-and-pop meat packing outfit they are is pure lies. They're union-busting parasites, the last member of the family that worked on the line died 60 years ago, and their sausages are made from polluted lakes.

Anything that could tangibly hurt me, they could find out from old-fashioned methods of surveillance.

You don't really prefer Piller's do you? Our bromance is officially over dinobot.

Don't tell me you eat that Schneider's shit! :evil:
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― Voltaire
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:51 pm

Wage slavery isn't a great way to live, any way you look at it.

There are many problems with the system and without going full "Marx's theory of alienation" on you, I will illustrate a couple of examples.

Example one is a more theoretical one, in which man is ideally happiest as a creative producer, not a consumer. This axiom can be argued but if you accept the argument it's easy to see how those little conveniences of capitalism can ruin creative production. In the pre-industrial age, almost every family had a singer, a musician, a storyteller; certainly every village. Now that everybody in the world can download the same CD the world needs a lot less creative producers. Even though production as a whole has increased, the effect of music has been a net loss, since less people can enjoy the creative production elements. You're taking something real and good - the making of music and turning it into an illusory commodity. Singing along with the radio isn't exactly creative production either.

A second example is credit cards. They are so convenient and they will even give you money so it can be a net gain if you use them. However, that money isn't free, and it is paid by the sad sops who are in credit card debt. So the system itself builds in a kind of oppression where by being a responsible credit card owner, you are oppressing the poor but in such a distant, abstract way that you can't feel any empathy or moral inclination on this. These sorts of systematic oppressions are built in everywhere in the system, from the Bangladeshi clothes factory to the factory farm.

Little conveniences often do have a real cost. It's just a cost that is pushed to the "other", so it doesn't feel like a real cost.

The solution is to have your wage not be tied to your quality of life. This can be done by increasing wages, relative to everyone else (a zero sum game) or by some other means. We live in such a wealthy era that one can safely and happily live homeless, which is another way to escape wage slavery.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby 2dimes on Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:45 pm

I'm with Mookie on this by miles. I bet he can't even get Shnieder's naturals.

I don't mind loblaws tracking my preferences though.

Also there won't be any stopping the prophecy from coming to pass. Will be interesting to see it happen.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby mrswdk on Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:52 am

DoomYoshi wrote:The solution is to have your wage not be tied to your quality of life.

Oh so now you're a Buddhist.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:24 am

wage slavery:
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby GoranZ on Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:13 pm

tzor wrote:
GoranZ wrote:I have one problem with this... Lets enlist countries with Muslim majority population where other religions(or atheists) can coexist without violence.

But I have a problem with your argument. Saudi Arabia has sent a ton of money to promote their sects in Muslim Majority countries (take Indonesia for example). There is a tendency to think of all these nations in isolation, but they are not.

I said something similar, didn't I?
GoranZ wrote:
betiko wrote:Islam isn't evil... extremists are evil. I know a lot of muslim moderate friends that are as concerned as ourselves by these djihadists and islamist nazis. And those extremists kill the moderate muslims as well.
Just understand where to draw the line goran, stop putting everyone in the same bag.

I have one problem with this... Lets enlist countries with Muslim majority population where other religions(or atheists) can coexist without violence. Bosnia(the part with predominantly muslim population), Malaysia and I believe I reach the end of my list. How many countries are with majority Muslim population? The tolerance percentage is bellow 10%, that's extremely low compared to other religions.

tzor wrote:Now having said that, once Islam gets the solid majority it wants to impose its law upon everybody. Islam is "submission" and if you want to live as a second class person who can't legally defend themselves against any believer who doesn't like you on a particular day, well then peace and happiness can be yours, providing you pay the tax.

Islam will never become dominant religion on the planet. Their strategy is based of numerical superiority, but there are nations that have no fear from that numerical superiority. Lets take Israel for example in the period 1949-1990. 3 Million Israelis managed to defend(and expand) what they have and they were fighting against 80 Million Muslims. How far did the Muslims advanced? To the border and back home to mamy :lol: And Israelis dont have some brilliant record of being top soldiers. Thats how much Muslim soldiers are capable to accomplish.
So far today's Muslims haven't met Russians, Germans, British, Japanese or even the Chinese on the battlefield. Sorry but suicide bombs will not work vs these armies. They can have 100 to 1 numerical superiority and they will still lose. They can have 1000 to 1 and they will still not be able to cross the border.
There are not many military capable countries that are afraid from the Muslims... Thats only Muslims biggest dream.
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby tzor on Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:20 am

GoranZ wrote:Islam will never become dominant religion on the planet. Their strategy is based of numerical superiority,

It's a little more complicated than that. Islam likes to tie victory with proof of divine favor. So crushing defeats tend to highly demoralize the forces and sends them into periods of hibernation. Consider the famous battle of Lepanto (although this was only for a practical span of six months):
The engagement was a significant defeat for the Ottomans, who had not lost a major naval battle since the fifteenth century. The defeat was mourned by them as an act of Divine Will, contemporary chronicles recording that "the Imperial Fleet encountered the fleet of the wretched infidels and the will of God turned another way."
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Re: Islam Versus Nazism

Postby GoranZ on Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:15 pm

tzor wrote:
GoranZ wrote:Islam will never become dominant religion on the planet. Their strategy is based of numerical superiority,

It's a little more complicated than that. Islam likes to tie victory with proof of divine favor. So crushing defeats tend to highly demoralize the forces and sends them into periods of hibernation. Consider the famous battle of Lepanto (although this was only for a practical span of six months):
The engagement was a significant defeat for the Ottomans, who had not lost a major naval battle since the fifteenth century. The defeat was mourned by them as an act of Divine Will, contemporary chronicles recording that "the Imperial Fleet encountered the fleet of the wretched infidels and the will of God turned another way."

The key is to withstand more powerful(and military superior) enemy. So far vast majority Muslim armies fail in this category, except Ottomans lead by Kemal Ataturk in WWI but he was secularist/atheist.
Divine Will is double edge sword... If their enemy is confident, believing that the god will help will only speed up their defeat.
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