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Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

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Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:45 pm

The today-declassified memorandum of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives contains startling revelations.

Obama sought a secret wiretap against Trump adviser Carter Page based on the testimony of Briton Christopher Steele who had (a) violated FBI informant policy by secretly giving interviews to the media, (b) had been paid a $160,000 bribe by Hillary Clinton, (c) admitted he was "desperate" to sabotage Trump's election. This information was purposely withheld from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when it authorized the warrant, as it was assumed the court would not grant a warrant under these dubious circumstances.

It also revealed Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr - who was demoted last month - had concocted the discredited Russia allegations as an "insurance policy" he and others could use to undermine democracy and the democratically-elected government in the event of Trump's victory. Also, his wife was on the payroll of the firm hired by Clinton. ... from_embed

It is now time to terminate the Mueller investigation, to arrest Obama and Clinton for abuse of power and obstruction of justice, and to deploy the Army to storm the FBI headquarters.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:59 pm

Anti-Democracy plotter Bruce Ohr -
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:03 pm

Newsflash: the FBI is bad! Millions of Americans utterly shocked by the realization that federal police and the corporate-owned congress are all ghouls.

The pee tape is still real though.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:16 pm

Also, what's the over/under on days til the democrat memo is leaked?
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:29 pm

Neoteny wrote:Also, what's the over/under on days til the democrat memo is leaked?

The memo of the House Select Committee on Intelligence wasn't leaked, it was declassified by order of the President.

Therefore, if a "Democrat" memo exists that uses classified intelligence and is released without approval of the President, that is a felony and will mean the Democratic ranks will be further thinned by yet more raids by U.S. Marshals, arrests, and jail sentences. As the president has shown, the Democrats are not above the law; they will be trembling for fear they might join Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's senior aide Imran Awan in a Supermax cell for the rest of their lives.

Any "Democrat" memo is just a memo from a political party. The memo legally released today represents the official view of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives, democratically determined by a majority vote of its democratically elected members.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:39 pm

Thanks saxi. It's still going to leak because that's how this works.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:47 pm

Neoteny wrote:Thanks saxi. It's still going to leak because that's how this works.

That's fine. Anyone can write a memo. I can write a memo. Only today's memo represents the official view of the Select Committee on Intelligence.

And leakers will still go to jail because that's how Trump works. He's built a nice collection of leakers.

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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:49 pm

That's how the US government works Saxi. Whistleblowers will be punished. And the dems are petty and ineffectual, which works well with the efficient fascists on the other side.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:10 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
Neoteny wrote:Thanks saxi. It's still going to leak because that's how this works.

That's fine. Anyone can write a memo. I can write a memo.

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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby patches70 on Fri Feb 02, 2018 7:37 pm

If what the memo says is true, that presents some serious problems for what's his name, Mueller. His indictments of Manafort and the other guys, those are all weakened considerably. There are legalities based on "fruit from a poison tree".
That is, if the information given to even issue the FISA warrant was fabricated, omitted vital information or otherwise compromised, all evidence gathered from that point is inadmissible.

Trump himself is virtually immune to anything from Mueller, especially if the FISA allegations are true. If it wasn't informed to the FISA judge the true nature of the Steele report, then that is a criminal offense. It would also be an abuse of power, also a crime. The FISA judge him/her self could also write a brief and nullify their own FISA ruling and revoking the FISA warrant completely, even after the fact. Every bit of information gotten as a result of that warrant would then be inadmissible in any court in front of any judge. The judge who issued that FISA warrant is probably pretty pissed off right about now because he/she realizes that evidence was withheld during the original and subsequent renewals, evidence that would have never passed legal muster to even issue the warrant in the first place had it been properly reported the nature of the Steele report. The judge could also issue bench warrants for perjury and probably some other offenses to anyone who signed their name on the FISA requests.

FISA courts have no jurisdiction to pursue political opponents through FISA warrants. FISA has an extremely narrow band under which it can operate. Using FISA to go after political opponents is a huge no-no, as is leaving out relevant information when seeking a FISA warrant in the first place.

This is bad news for some people, like anyone who signed their name on the original FISA requests and swore that all relevant information had been provided for the warrant.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby patches70 on Fri Feb 02, 2018 7:42 pm

To find out if the memo is true or not, all that has to be done is a review of the original FISA request. If that request omitted the fact that the Steele report was opposition research, then the gig is up.

Another huge problem for Comey is that he signed his name on the FISA request, which used the Steele report as the basis for the request in the first place, claiming that it was evidence. However, much later when Comey was testifying before Congress, he stated under oath, that the Steele report was "salacious and untrue".
Those two things and contradictory. Both can't be true. He either lied to the FISA court or he lied to Congress. Either way, Comey is in a pickle.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 02, 2018 8:18 pm

patches70 wrote:However, much later when Comey was testifying before Congress, he stated under oath, that the Steele report was "salacious and untrue".

That's the most brilliant part. They've told so many lies that their lies are now starting to undermine their other lies.

So now we have a FISA warrant issued under information the government knew, at the time they submitted it, to be "salacious and untrue."

After all the evidence gets thrown out against Manafort hopefully Mueller gets Mike Nifong'ed.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby karel on Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:02 pm

all it proves is dems/hillary are crooked along with fbi,and them other scum bag dems,no wonder they fought so hard for it not to be released,lmao
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby warmonger1981 on Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:19 am

Can we get some liberals in here to tell their truths? Where are they?
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Bernie Sanders on Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:34 am

warmonger1981 wrote:Can we get some liberals in here to tell their truths? Where are they?

Funny....why interrupt this Russian dick sucking thread?

....please continue
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby patches70 on Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:32 am

One day, Bern, you are going to have to face the truth, there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

Now it seems quite likely the Russians sowed a little chaos around the election, but that's to be expected. We do the exact same kind of stuff. Mueller won't find any evidence of Trump and Russian collusion, and now, thanks to the FBI, DOJ abuses, if Mueller finds anything else out that might be criminal, none of it is going to be admissible in any court.

This isn't partisan stuff I'm spouting like you do. I'm only looking at the situation with some objectivity. The FBI can't be allowed to use false information in order to obtain FISA warrants against anyone, especially over political reasons. If you can't see how dangerous that is then I'm afraid you are a complete moron.

These abuses happened during the Obama administration. Imagine the Trump administration abusing the system like the previous administration did. Or the next administration. The only thing that changes is the victims. First the republican political apparatus, then the democrat. This goes on back and forth forever and the abuse will only expand. Not just to political opponents, but to private citizens who speak out against the abuses of <insert either party or politician or government department here> start having FISA warrants issued against them. The FISA was supposed to be used to stop terrorist attacks. Next it'll be used to track drug dealers, then other crimes, all in secret courts.

It's a disgrace, the FBI has to be hammered for this, if the memo is true. The veracity of it is easily obtained, merely examine the original FISA warrant the the three subsequent renewals. Then we'll all know the truth. If true, every single person who signed their name affirming that request has to/should be charged with abuse of power, perjury and whatever other charges are applicable and they should have the book thrown at them. No plea deals, no bargains. Straight to jail to serve full sentences.

It's that important, Bern, the FISA program is already disturbing enough as it is. When it is weaponized against political opponents and ordinary people, as it was in this particular case, then it goes from disturbing to insidious.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby notyou2 on Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:43 am

The US has been a quasi-police state since 2001.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:00 pm

warmonger1981 wrote:Can we get some liberals in here to tell their truths? Where are they?

The memo is uninteresting and has the same feel of pizzagate hysteria. That any liberal would defend the fbi on this, even if anything beyond the absolute power they already have occurred, is beyond me.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:01 pm

notyou2 wrote:The US has been a quasi-police state since 2001.

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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby notyou2 on Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:25 am

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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:58 am

Neoteny wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Can we get some liberals in here to tell their truths? Where are they?

The memo is uninteresting and has the same feel of pizzagate hysteria. That any liberal would defend the fbi on this, even if anything beyond the absolute power they already have occurred, is beyond me.

I probably should have waited til the buzz wore off on this one.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby degaston on Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:50 am

Bernie Sanders wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Can we get some liberals in here to tell their truths? Where are they?

Funny....why interrupt this Russian dick sucking thread?

....please continue

The Nunes Memo Is a Complete Flop


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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby warmonger1981 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:58 am

By the way where has Obama been lately? Or even Clinton for that matter? Those two usually have a lot to say but seem to be very quiet during this whole mess. Wandering Minds want to know. Maybe they keep quiet in case new facts come out and they don't want to purge themselves. It's just a conspiracy theory.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby Neoteny on Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:44 am

I read sonewhere that since the chaos in the executive branch from the second world war through Vietnam, that an unspoken rule of shutting the f*ck up about sitting presidents and controversies around them has been in effect.
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Re: Shocking: Declassified Memo Proves Clinton/FBI Collusion

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:00 am

Neoteny wrote:Image
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